21 - Morning

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Idk how this one turned out. I've been busy catching up on my inktobers and keithtobers that I missed


Lucidness trickles into my mind like cold water, jolting me into a semiconscious state. Feeling disoriented and dazely confused by my unplanned awakening, I find myself in a calmly barren state of mind. Only simple things seem to process here, anything else seeming too strenuous to comprehend.

Floating in the void of my empty thoughts, I still feel confused. Blindly, I try to find the sudden disruption in my other wise peaceful sleep. To my surprise, nothing is out of the ordinary. Whatever had half pulled me out of dreamless sleep now seemed to be nonexistent. Too tired to care, I feel a wave of ease rush over me. Almost too easily, I start to sink back into the peaceful embrace of slumber.

Just as I reach the brink of conciousness, waiting to tip over, something pinches my skin. The fog of sleep starts retreating at the distinctive feeling, clearing enough space in my head to produce partially coherent thoughts.

What the-?

Confused by the sudden annoyance I wait for further action, hoping it will disappear and leave me in peace. I frown after a few moments as, what I can distinguish as my collarbone, gets nipped once more. It wasn't painful per say but it was certainly bothersome enough to refrain me from returning to sleep.

As another pinch, this one following shortly after the previous, latches onto my skin, I furrow my brow in annoyance. Using the sluggish strength I have in my body, I shrug my shoulder as if to scare away a mosquito on my neck. Still too tired to move properly, I fall back into my previous place and just hope nothing will come bother me again.

I started to believe I had successfully shaken off my sleep depriving annoyance when I felt the familiar feeling on my skin. It was different however and even more distracting. Something had latched onto my skin, no longer leaving little nips, and was sucking softly. Despite my semi conscious state I could feel the rhythmic tugging of my skin.

Dragged further into a clear state of mind, I found less and less warm tendrils of sleep wrapped in the crevices in my head. Instead, I found myself noticing more and more things to keep me awake. Hot, yet steady breath was breathing down my neck. My suckled skin was damp from whatever was annoying me. Squeezing my eyes shut I give one last effort to drift back to sleep. Despite knowing full well it's a futile attempt, I would like to at least be able to say I tried.

After waiting a few strained moments, I give up. With a begrudging sigh, I slide my still heavy eyelids open. I squint at the morning daylights in the room, eyes not used to the cheerful light. As my retinas sting I feel extremely tempted to dive face deep into my pillow and just forgot about the godforsaken ways of 'getting up'. Before I can think too far into the drastic plan however, I feel another nip on my skin to remind me of the reason I woke in the first place.

Groaning, I slowly lift my head and look down. I frown at the sea of black hair nestled against chest, messy from sleep. It takes a moment for things to click in my head. Keith. I couldn't see his face, but didn't need to to know he currently leaving a hickey on my collarbone. The familiar tug on my skin triggered a bundle of memories that carried the same sensation. And by the slow pace he was going, I could tell he was taking his sweet time with it as well.

Things piece together in my mind as I recall the pinched sensations on my skin that woke me from slumber. Of course Keith has been marking up my neck while I sleep. What else should I have expected. Despite being hidden by covers, I could feel one of Keith's bare legs slotted lewdly in between mine, along with an arm draped across my torso. Giving an annoyed sigh I fall back down onto my pillow.

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