#2 Headcannons - When You're Sick

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Hi, so I probably wont have time to write this weekend (my schedule is write on weekends and post on Monday) so I'll try to put out a few headcannons in the absence of that

-Keith goes into full overprotective mode, and hes already an overprotective person

-If you even show a sign of being sick, he gives you a full check over

- You: *coughs*

Keith: Y/N! Are you okay? Are you sick? Let me take your temperature- Are you cold? Do you need a blanket? I can make you tea, does your throat hurt?

-You are condemned to bedrest until you get better

-You can't get a foot out of your bed without being dragged back by your worried boyfriend

-He watches you like a hawk, constantly asking how you feel and if you need anything

-Youre also drowning in a sea of blankets that hes piled on you, but it's the thought that counts

-At the end of the day hes just worried for you

-He's terrified of losing another person so close to him so seeing you sick gives him a scare. He's committed to trying his best to give you the proper care and love you deserve

-You being in any pain or discomfort is one of his worst nightmares, which is why he tries to make it easier for you

-He lays with you and cuddles you to close to make sure your comfortable. It also eases him when you're in his arms because he feels like your safer

-Lots of forehead and cheek kisses

-If you're sore or a part of you is aching, he gives you massages or gets a heating pad

-He watches you sleep too

-Partially because if anything happens he wants to be right there to help you

-And also because he cant help but find you beautiful when your fast asleep (though he'll never admit it)

-When you wake up you often find him past out next to you, in a chair he scooted close to the bed or leaning on the edge of the mattress all in uncomfortable positions

- You'll wake him up just enough that he can understand you and lead him into a comfortable spot next to you before he drifts of again, often putting an arm around you protectively

-He refuses to go on missions unless its necessary for him to be there until you recover

-If he has to leave, he gives Coran and detailed list of how to take care of you and to make sure to tell him immediately if something happens

-Little does he know Coran follows none of these rules, so that's truly the only time you can be free from your confines

-He makes sure you always take your medicine, whether you hate it or not

-He also asks Hunk to make you food that won't upset your stomach since Keith can't cook to save his life

-He insists on spoon feeding you, even if it's just the flu

-His excuse is that "His princess shouldn't have to exert herself at all while she's sick"

-He can be a little overbearing, but you know he's just worried and scared for you so try to comply with him as much as possible

-You would be lying if you said you didn't appreciate his worrying. His constant attention and attempts to ease your illness always made you smile

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