We are not alone

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Coming out of light speed and entering the atmosphere of Ahch-To, the windows of the ship were flooded with blinding white sunlight. Ben blinked his eyes rapidly trying to stop his eyes from watering. Accustomed to darkness and artificial light, it had been too long since he had seen the light on any planet with his human eyes.

Rey watched his reactions closely, wondering how he would feel once they landed. For the most part he looked focused, concentrating on bringing the ship in for a smooth landing. Coming in on uncharted waters and land, the ship scanned the area searching for the island. Once it was identified, Ben did several low passes to give the system time to do a full read of their surroundings.

To both of their surprise, the spot most suited for landing was already filled. Waiting for her was her piece of junk, as he called it. Rey let out a quiet gasp of surprise when she saw the grey and rusty ship come into view and he didn't ask if she knew it would be waiting for her. Skillfully lowering the massive and menacing black vessel on to the rocky surface, Ben took a deep breath and sighed.

"So, sweetheart, this is where you wanted to bring us?" His voice had a tinge of sarcasm, using the term of endearment his father reserved for his mother.

"Yes." Rey was quiet, knowing that she was treading on dangerous ground. The Falcon, Luke's hut, the temple, all of it could cause a terrible turn between them; but that was not why she had brought him. "Before you pass judgement, please give me a chance to explain-"



"No. There is no need to explain." He said turning to face her. "The ocean, the island.... I have seen it all before."

Rey looked at him cautiously.

"You don't remember? I do. I have carried the vision with me...from your mind." His eyes had that seeking expression and held the same strange satisfaction when he probed her mind. He had warned her that he took no pleasure in taking it from her, but it was a half truth. Curiosity about her was a craving and as he unfolded the layers of her mind unwillingly, he was captivated. From that moment on she had been nothing more than a series of miracles and mysteries in his eyes, and frustrations.

"I see. Yes, I do remember...and I remember your fear." Rey returned his sarcasm.

"I am afraid, I can't hide it from you...and no, I do not know how I will respond, but I will try. For you. Just you." His expression and tone softened.

Rey blushed, remembering when their bond had opened;recalling the overwhelming and confusing feelings of relief to look into his eyes, and then anger and venom when she pulled out her blaster. Confused that he didn't have an ounce of anger towards her, for slashing him open and leaving him for dead, or for seeking out and finding Luke; he was more interested in how and why it was happening, spellbound that he could only see just her. He had that intense gaze even then, and in retrospect it occurred to her that he had always looked at her like that, like he knew more than he was letting on, that he knew her better than she knew herself somehow?

"This place, I have always known it. In my dreams and then when I finally found Luke."

"Rey, it would be best if we do not mention his name."

"Ben, there is no avoiding it. We would not be here....we would not be together if it was not for him. Do you understand that? Because I do." Rey watched his emotions and thoughts process.

Yes, it was a much larger plan. I can see that now. Snoke wanted Luke, but the force wanted me to find Rey.

"What was that?" Rey thought she heard him speak.

"Nothing, just thinking. Trying to make sense of all of this." He still had the ability to shield some of his thoughts from her and would continue to do so until he had time to reflect.

"We need to find shelter and unpack some things. You have choices....we can sleep here on your ship, in the hunk of junk, or in one of the huts?" She crinkled her nose and face, bracing for his anger, but he smiled instead. That expression had a way of disarming him.

"Take me to where we touched." His replied unable to conceal his hunger for her, but doing a reasonable job keeping it a bay.

"I have to warn you, we are not alone....and can you please stop looking at me like that all the time....I just don't know how to respond." Her cheeks flushed again.

Ben threw his head back and laughed at her.

"Why are you laughing?!" Rey was flustered and couldn't stop herself from punching him in the chest, hiding the fact that it hurt her hand.

"I have to remember that there is a part of you that is still such a girl. Do you not remember the throne...the last week?"

"I am not talking about that right now..... back to the fact that we are not alone!"

He decided to leave it be.

"You mean Chewie?" Ben knew that that moment of reckoning was coming, he just didn't think it would be like this and so soon.

"Well, yes, I assume he is here.....I didn't think of that." She stopped and pondered how that could potentially play out. "No, I meant that there are creatures that live here...they are caretakers. They don't care for me much.....I guess I did not make a good impression after I blew a hole in one of their huts and cut a boulder in half. I promise it was all by accident."

"You? How could anybody not like you?" Ben laughed.

"Funny. Well, I will let you ask them...if you can get over that they are fish creatures dressed as nuns."

Ben's eyes widened.

"Fish nuns?"

"Just trust me, and don't stare."

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