Chapter One

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The radio is obnoxiously blaring as Tyler lets out a tired groan at the sound disturbing his slumber. He reaches out blindly and hits the snooze button on his alarm. He peeks out from his blankets and sees that it's almost seven in the morning. He snuggles back down onto the pillows to try and get a few more minutes of sleep.

He grabs the blankets and tries to pull them up over his head but he isn't able to. He feels weight at the end of the bed, and slowly he peeks over the blankets, seeing all three of his sons lying out on his mattress.

Gerard is lying at the end of the bed, his head resting against Tyler's calves. He has one hand resting on top of Tyler's knee. Then there is Michael who is curled up in a little ball against Tyler's other pillows. He knew that Michael would be in here when he woke up since he's been feeling ill lately. And then there is Brendon, who is lying out in starfish position right in the middle of the bed with some part of his body touching every member of his family. He has his head resting against the edge of Tyler's side, a foot sitting on top of Michael, and a hand touching Gerard's arm. He's a wild sleeper, but the family makes do.

None of the boys woke up from Tyler's alarm so he figures that it's okay to shut his eyes for a few more minutes. Before he has to go downstairs and make breakfast, and the boy's lunches for school, or in Michael's case his lunch for when he's dropped off at the nice old lady next door's house.

Then after breakfast he'll have to get Brendon and Michael dressed, Gerard is perfectly capable of doing that himself at ten years old. After, Tyler would have to gather Gerard and Brendon's backpacks and be sure to throw their lunch bags inside.

It's tiring taking care of three boys by himself. It wasn't always like this though, he used to have Jenna around to help him. She's the mother to the three beautiful boys that Tyler has sprawled out across his bed.

He and Jenna met during college. She was beautiful with long, toned legs, and flowing blonde hair. She was the nicest and funniest person that Tyler had ever met and he found himself immediately attracted to her. If Tyler had to describe it he would say that it was love at first sight. He had never seen anyone like her before. He had never met a girl like her before, a girl that could make him question his sexuality. He had always believed himself to be gay, but then Jenna came around and he suddenly found his mouth watering at the thought of being with a female.

Lucky for him, Jenna felt the exact same way, which is how after a year into their relationship they found themselves becoming parents for the first time with Gerard. He was a bright and beautiful baby, and Tyler still remembers the feeling of love that washed over him when Gerard looked at him for the first time with those beautiful eyes. Tyler doesn't think he's ever seen the sun until the day Gerard was born. He was so bright and so happy, he created his own glow in every room even if he was only a newborn. It was the greatest day of Tyler' life.

He and Jenna had moved in together so that they could take care of the baby. Jenna had to drop out of school during her pregnancy, and a few months after Gerard was born, so did Tyler. She got a job at a daycare and was able to bring Gerard and didn't have to pay, Tyler went off and got a job working in construction with his father.

It wasn't what they wanted for their lives but they were willing to sacrifice anything for Gerard.

It was five years later when Brendon was born. Jenna was taking night classes to try and finish her degree, while Tyler got a second job working nights at a packaging factory. Things were rough, which is why Brendon was conceived during make up sex after a particularly bad fight. Gerard was five and just starting kindergarten when he became a big brother for the first time.

Brendon was a happy baby, filled with giggles and love. His world revolved around touch and affection, the house didn't realize it was missing that. He was always laughing, smiling, and bouncing as long as there was someone there with him. Brendon brought around a glow of his own with his smile and shining brown eyes. Tyler's world became even brighter the day he got his second son.

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