Chapter 6

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Nightmare after nightmare, his worst fears and memories pranced around him, and he was terrified. He watched Hazel's death, his friends death, Bianca's death, his mother's death, the warrior's three death, Thor and Loki's possible deaths, so, so much death... over and over, and over, and over and over..... Tartarus, monsters, the jar, torture, being enslaved, betrayal, and pain... so, so, so, so much pain. It seemed endless... Nico just wanted to die. Hela should've killed him. It'd have been so much more merciful. Gods, Nico just wanted this to end! He was scared, alone, and in agony. He was going to go insane! Someone help him! Help him, please! Someone please... kill him, or help him! He just wanted to wake up! Someone! Anyone! Just make it stop!

He didn't know how it'd been when his glass cage was shattered, but he collapsed upon the floor, gasping. He registered that Hela had put him on the wall like some trophy. Thor grabbed his arm, and dragged him over.

"Thor!" Nico said, fully awake, "What's going on?"

"I'm going after Hela, but I need you to go help Heimdall get the people out of Asgard!"

Nico could see Thor's determination, and knew Thor wouldn't be swayed, so Nico didn't question, He just nodded, and looked at Thor, "Be careful."

"You too, old friend." Thor smiled softly, "You, too."

Nico shadow traveled away, and soon found himself facing a giant wolf charging the people... Fenrir had been freed. He got ready, knowing this battle would most likely kill him. Heimdall nodded towards Nico, "Good to see you're alright. Hela had you hidden from my view."

Nico shivered at the name, "Can we focus on the fight at hand?"

Just then A colorful spaceship swooped down, and bullets hit Fenrir. The wolf was merely angered, and, suddenly, Bruce Banner dropped from the sky. He landed on the bridge with a thud. There was a silence, before the wolf began to charge. The people prepared for death.

"Wait for it..." Nico smirked. Heimdall looked at him like he was crazy.

Then the wolf was suddenly thrown back, and the Hulk was revealed behind him. Nico turned to help the people, but he saw a group of undead warriors and the traitor attacking them.

"HEIMDALL!" The traitor roared, "THE SWORD!"

Nico went to step forward to defend Heimdall, but the man put a hand on Nico's shoulder, "This is my fight. Protect the people."

Nico nodded, and battled the army of undead. He heard a loud humming of a ship, and he heard Loki's voice shouting.

"YOUR SAVIOR IS HERE!" The crowd starting boarding the ship as Loki smiled, both eyes green.

Nico grinned, "Hey, Cow!" Loki's head shot towards Nico, "Come down here, and help us!"

The other aliens that Loki had befriended were helping fight, and Loki made his way to them.

"Saw you coming." Heimdall teased.

"'Course you did." Loki muttered.

The group continued to fight. Despite fighting their very best, the army kept coming. Nico had even summoned his own army, but they were weaker. Nico drew his powers from earth - specifically the underworld - just as Hela did Asgard.

Suddenly in the distance there was a loud BOOM! And lightning exploded in every direction. Thor had unleashed his power's full potential. Speaking of, the god shot down covered in lightning, and began to destroy the undead... wait did Thor lose an eye?

Then the colorful ship from before - which had crashed previously - shot off fireworks, and a Valkyrie - Nico thought they were all dead - came and joined the fight. They defeated the army, and the three regrouped.

"You're late." Thor teased.

Loki looked at him, a little worried, "You're missing an eye."

Nico laughed, "Good to have you back, Loki." Nico smiled, "I missed you."

"I missed you, too, Nico." Loki flashed a smile.

The Valkyrie passed by them, "No chick flick moments. This isn't over yet."

Nico couldn't help but pause at the similarity to the Chitauri invasion, but he quickly ignored that thought, and turned to face his demonic Aunt...

"I think we should disband the Revengers." Thor muttered as Hela approached.

"Hit her with a lightning blast." Loki suggested.

"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing!"

"We just need to hold her off till everyone's one board." the Valkyrie stated.

"No." Nico disagreed, "She'll only grow stronger the longer she's on Asgard. She'll never let us live. We need to end this here and now."

"Who are you?" The Valkyrie asked.

"I'm Nico." The boy shrugged.

"He's a family friend." Loki and Thor said together.

"Okay..." The Valkyrie muttered, "I'm Brunnhilde, but you can call me Brunn."

"Nice to meet you." Nico said.

"Can we focus?" Loki hissed.

"So what do we do?" Brunn asked.

Loki glared at Thor, "I'm not doing Get Help."

Nico snorted. Get Help was when Loki pretended to be injured while Thor 'helped' him walk. Then Thor chucked Loki at the enemy.

Thor seemed to realize something, "Asgard's not a place it's a people." Loki looked at him confused, "This was never about stopping Ragnarok... this was about causing Ragnarok. Surtur's Crown! The Vault! It's the only way!"

Nico and Loki's eyes widened.

"Bold move, brother." Loki said, paling, "Even for me." He turned to Nico.

Nico grabbed his wrist, understanding immediately, "On it." They vanished into shadows. 

The Asgardian Son Of Hades in THOR: Ragnarok - BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now