Chapter 7

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What happens when you have a one night stand with your friend?

"It takes two very self-aware individuals to be between friends without crushed expectations and misunderstandings," says a sex and intimacy coach. "The aspects of freedom, play, and escapism that make a one-night stand so attractive don't really exist when it's sex with a friend. Open, honest, dialogue — with each other and with yourself — goes a long way in creating the clarity necessary for a positive experience." 


"One night stand?", said Mika over Singto's shoulder. Singto startled and said: "Fuck, Mika. You surprised me." Mika placed his chin on Singto's shoulder and said: "Yes yes but why are you searching on ONE NIGHT STAND?" Singto sighed. He placed his mobile on the table and said: "You realise that I am going to get killed, right? Krist is going to kill me.. He was drunk.. I was not.." Mika's eyes twinkled in interest. He walked to the coffee maker and grabbed his coffee. He needed to be ready for the hot progress of the prince and the actor's love story. He came back to sit opposite to Singto and said: "Go ahead. Tell mama everything." 

Singto glared at him. Mika smiled mischievously back at him. He said: "So, if you are looking for reasons for one night stands between friends, then you did it LAST NIGHT?!" Singto face palmed. "Krist was drunk, Mika!!" Mika smirked and leaned forward: "Ohhhh if he was not drunk, you would have? This is getting even better!!" Singto sighed: "Will you focus on the current situation?" Mika chuckled: "But I am, Sing.. Yesterday, you made out with the cutest omega ever in a night club who supposedly was only your friend. Nothing more. And now, you are scared of his reaction. Don't you think you should focus on what you guys will become after this?" Singto frowned and asked him: "What do you mean?" 

Mika raised his eyebrow and asked his best friend: "Are you still just friends?" Singto shook his head. His mind went on the cute jealous face that Krist had been making last night and he smiled fondly. "Certainly not. Now that I found how cute he can be and that he likes me, I won't-" "Who said that I like you??" Mika and Singto froze. Singto turned to look at Krist who was leaning on the kitchen door with his arms crossed. Krist said to Mika: "Mind if I have a word with him alone, please?" Mika shook his head and left the kitchen. Krist walked forward and stumbled with Mika's chair. He smiled nervously before sitting in Mika's chair. He calmly repeated his question: "Who said I like you, P'Singto?" Singto looked at his face and opened his mouth to reply when Krist cut him off: "I was DRUNK last night, P'Singto. Don't tell me that you have seriously believed I did yesterday. It's just like the night that you got drunk and became the stripper boy." 

Singto just stared at him when he finished speaking. Krist smiled at him: "Don't worry, P. We are still friends just we were. Last night was just a silly event that can be easily forgotten. So, I'll leave and I'll meet you on set on monday. And oh can I borrow your jacket and cap? I don't want to disturb P'Yui for now. I'll go home on my own." He then got up and blindly took the phone on the table to place it in his pocket. Singto placed his hand on his trembling one, making Krist startle and to look at him questioningly. Singto smiled at him and said: "That's my phone." Krist looked down and indeed, it was Singto's phone. Krist smiled and said: "My mistake." Singto shook his head and said: "Ohh it's fine."

Krist then moved his hand away and said: "So, the cap and jacket?" Singto got up and said: "Follow me." And they walked into the bedroom where they had slept together. Singto glanced at Krist who instantly averted his eyes from the bed. He hid his smirk. This was getting very interesting. He went to his wardrobe and took the items that Krist asked for. And Krist took the jacket to wear it. Singto moved forward and helped him. He reached out and smoothed out the lapel. He whispered: "Be sure to have an excuse for this one too on monday, hmm?" as he touched Krist's neck where the hickey was situated. Krist nodded, his ears very red and moved away from Singto to wear the cap. He smiled at Singto and said bye while walking ahead to the door. And he was gone. 

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