Chapter 2

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Royal Striptease!

No, your eyes are not deceiving you, you have read it very well. Yes ladies and gentlemen, our prince has performed a drunk striptease yesterday night in a very well known nightclub! Some of us got to see that live! Lucky them! And some of us like me got to see multiples of videos on social media. Of course, those videos are going viral, this is to be expected! Who would not share a video of our handsome and sexy prince doing a striptease? This is not to be missed! 

Ohh you are asking yourself, how did this happen? Well, all we know is our prince was seen with his friend, Mika Donna, son of Mr David Russet, the famous CEO of Stardust chain of companies in that nightclub. After that, they were seen flirting with girls and poof the striptease started!

It's nice to be young and daring like this, right? But what is even more interesting would be Mommy dearest's reaction to her son's acts. Will be Singto be forgiven for tarnishing the reputation of their lineage so easily? Well well, we shall see. But one thing that we have to admit: That striptease was mindblowing!!


Krist was choking. It was his own fault to scroll down his newsfeed while eating his breakfast. His cheeks and ears were so red. He placed his phone on the table and took deep breaths. "What was that prince thinking?", he asked himself. He was surely not expecting to see a STRIPTEASE video of the prince on his phone in the morning. If he was still sleepy earlier, he was no longer now. He was too shocked. He looked at his phone again and then unexpectedly burst out laughing. He should have learnt by now that everyone should expect the unexpected with that prince. It was a miracle that the prince did have his boxer at the end of the video. And he laughed some more. Hopeless prince, he must say. Very hopeless. 

He leant back on his hanging chair and sighed. It was cool to be an alpha, it allowed you to be free and do anything that you wanted. He chuckled: "Not that I would do a striptease though" He then got up to get ready for his job. Time to show his worth again to the world. He smirked at himself while looking in the mirror and suddenly blushed as he remembered the prince's body again. He shook his head and said to himself: "Concentrate on the job, not on the stripper boy's body."


Unlike Krist, someone in the mansion was not amused. Not at all. The queen threw her tablet in anger and said in a cold voice to the butler: "Call the prince, please." The butler nodded and minutes later, a still sleepy Singto, holding his head, came to his mother. "Good morning mom.", he muttered, his voice echoing in his aching head. His mother stood up and held a coffee in front of him. "Drink up.", she said in a loud voice, making Singto wince even harder as he felt as if his head was going to explode. "What's wrong?", asked Singto in a very tired voice while massaging his temples. And this was what caused the queen to be red with anger, she slammed the coffee on the table. She then shouted: "Who told you to get drunk yesterday and do such a thing!!!" 

Singto was not understanding anything and yet his mother kept glaring at him in silence. He glanced at the butler and raised his eyebrow at him. His head was aching too much and he raised his hand as the butler gave him his mother's tablet. Singto's headache became even worse as he saw the notorious video of his. He winced hard and tentatively looked at his mother who was still glaring at him. "I got drunk, mom.. I was not conscious..", he said in a pleading voice. "This is exactly my point!!! How could a PRINCE get drunk to such an extent that you were not conscious of your own acts?? Just look at the article: ROYAL STRIPTEASE??? Do you think it is nice for me to see that?? Till when are you planning to become a responsible adult?? I was tolerating your antics with those girls, I have not been saying anything to you but now that??!! Can't you see that you are an alpha, Singto!!! And a prince!! Princes do not act like this!!!"

Singto held his head in his hands. His mother kept on talking but at that point, he was seriously not listening. But then he heard one word from his mother that made him pay attention. The queen was looking straight at him when she said: "You are getting mated. We are going to start to look for a girl with good alpha status and you are going to get married to her. I am getting fed up of your reckless actions, maybe you will change after being mated." Her son looked at her like she had got two heads. He stood up and asked his mother: "Are you serious??" And when the queen just continued to glare at him in silence, he said: "Mom I am sorry. I am seriously sorry for whatever happened yesterday. This should have not happened. I can't go back in time to erase what has happened but I am NOT going to get married or mated to someone with good status or someone that I DON'T know. We are not living in the ancient times."

His mother took a deep breath and said coldly: "You have already created so many scandals, the biggest one yesterday, so you will listen to me. You WILL get mated and married to someone that I deem to be adequate for you." Singto gave out a laugh: "ADEQUATE??? I am going to be mated for the rest of my life with someone that YOU find ADEQUATE for ME??? You just can't be serious!!" And again, his mother crossed her arms and looked at him with an expression "Try me" on her face. Singto was numb. He was not expecting that early in the morning. Heck, he was not expecting this at all! His mother rang the bell and as the butler appeared again, she said: "It is now time. Go ahead with the preparations. Singto is getting married in two months." The butler bowed and said: "As you wish, my queen."

"NO FREAKING WAY.", shouted Singto. He looked at the butler and said: "Cancel that order, please uncle Frank. This is not happening." His mother looked at him and said coldly: "You are denying my orders?" Singto took a deep breath and said: "Yes because this is MY life and I will do whatever I want. You may be the queen. You may be my mother but I cannot accept to live my life with someone I don't know just because you are saying so. I plainly refuse. NO. THANK YOU. As from now, I want to be as Singto only. I am getting tired of hearing PRINCE PRINCE PRINCE. A prince has a personal life too. I am not just the prince. I have my personality. I have things I want too. I always wanted to work but you denied me saying that a PRINCE does not work. But now you can take the PRINCE TITLE and the MARRIAGE to hell. I won't be the prince and I won't marry anyone of your choice!!!"

He turned his back and walked away. The butler looked at both of them. He inwardly sighed. He had spent his life at their sides and he knew them both well. The queen would not stop Singto from going. Both of them had prides and they would not try to resolve this on their own. He watched Singto go. And when he turned to look at the queen, her eyes were full of pain as she watched her son walk away but then she blinked and her eyes became cold again. Yesterday's scandal was not the biggest one. What just happened was the biggest one. The prince leaving the title and walking away from it would feed the media for more than one month. The butler sighed again and went to make sure that nothing of what had just happened would be leaked to the vultures called the media. 


Here we are.. Everything has been set for the boys to meet..  

P.S: Who wanted to see that striptease video too? *ME RAISING BOTH HANDS*

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