Chapter 10

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As Krist starts to fall for a prince who makes him want to throttle and pounce on him at the same time, he knows he has to choose – play it safe and steady, or risk all his dreams and hope Singto doesn't destroy his heart.  

Little does he know that Singto is doing his very best to win his heart. One date down. Two left. Will he succeed in winning it?


Krist placed his phone back on the coffee table and played a little more with Singto's hair. It was so soft. He then said: "Mika is going to pick you up in thirty minutes." Singto sat up instantly and stared at him: "But.." "You need to rest. You are hurt. And I have work early in the morning." Singto nodded. He understood. But still, did Krist have to call Mika now? He wanted to stay with Krist a little more. Krist ruffled his hair as he said: "Don't make that face. I loved your surprise. It was a real surprise to come back home and find a burned prince in my kitchen." He chuckled as he saw Singto glare at him. Krist coerced him to lie back on his lap and he said softly: "I am kidding. I really loved your efforts to make me dinner. Thank you, P'Singto." And Singto beamed.

But then a few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Singto groaned. Usually Mika was always late. But tonight, the idiot had to come just on time, huh? Krist nudged Singto and the latter reluctantly got up. He turned to look at his cute omega who smiled at him. He sighed. Okay, time to leave. Mika who stood at the door smiled at Krist. Singto placed his chin on Krist's shoulder and said: "So punctual for once Mika?" He examined his best friend's clothes and added: "So carefully dressed up to come to pick me up? Are you finally falling for me?" And he smiled inwardly as he felt Krist stiffen beneath his chin. Aww, Krist was so cute. Mika glared at him: "I had a date and just because of a clumsy prince who thought he could do everything, my date is ruined."

Krist chuckled and asked Mika: "How is it going for your dates?" Mika smiled at Krist fondly and now, it was Singto who tsked in annoyance. Mika said: "Your idea of blind date was awesome. Your cousin was so cute on that first date. Then I got so busy that it was tonight that I finally got my second date with him which got ruined because someone wanted to be a chef." Singto stuck his tongue out at him and asked: "How come I was not aware of this arrangement of blind date?" Mika said: "Well, you were so busy with your events that I did not get the opportunity to tell you." Singto nodded, brushing his mouth to Krist's neck slightly. Krist froze for a second. And he then gently removed Singto from his shoulder. 

Mika said: "Okay, Romeo, say your goodbye. I am going ahead. Come to my car." Singto nodded. And he turned to Krist who stared at him, an unidentifiable look on his face.

Singto said: "Go back in. Then I'll leave."
Krist shook his head: "No go with Mika first, then I'll go back inside."
Singto: "No you first."
Krist: "Go, P'Sing"
Singto sighed dreamily: "I love when you call me that but no, you go back."

Krist: "But.. just go.."

Singto pouted: "Don't wanna.."
Krist sighed: "Go.. I'll see you off.."

Singto said cheekily: "Nah go back.. no wait I have a better idea.. give me a good night kiss first and then I'll go"

Krist stared at him for a few seconds. He then walked towards Singto whose eyes widened in delight. He was going to get his good night kiss. But Krist merely adjusted his scarf around his neck and his cap on his head. "Be careful, P'Sing. I'll see you at work." Singto sighed as he realised that he would not be getting it after all.  Singto complained, pouting: "But I miss you already..." And Krist suddenly tugged on the Singto's scarf. He kissed Singto lightly on his mouth and let him go as he whispered: "Good night, P'Sing." He walked to his apartment without looking back at Singto at all. He closed the door and leaned against it, closing his eyes as he listened to his racing heart.

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