Chapter 29

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The lovebirds spotted on a cruise!!

A friend of ours sent us wonderful pictures of Prince Singto and his fiancé at the cruise party that was organised for charity by some Mister X. We were very happy to see the two lovebirds together, so close to each other. We could not swallow our squeals when Prince Singto kept on leaning to his fiancé. We loved his romantic gestures until we learned that they were not exactly romantic gestures. Our Prince is seasick and this cruise party was certainly no fun for him.

Poor our Prince!! But worry not, Krist is here to take care of you!!
The following pictures show how our cute omega was so worried about his prince that he had to carry him to the car. Awwwww!!!!
Could they be any cuter?

On that note, we wish our Prince a speedy and full recovery! (While we go and watch the pictures again *squeals*)


"You are the one who insisted that we have to come to this cruise, P.", whispered Krist as he rubbed his prince's back. "They gave me this medicine and assured me that I am not going to feel seasick at all. That is why I accepted their invitation. I am going to sue them, Kit. I swear." Krist sighed and nodded. "Rub my back. Why did you stop?", continued to whine Singto and Krist smiled before he resumed his rubbing. "Do you want me to offer our excuses to the host and leave the party, P?", he asked, a bit concerned at how pale his mate was looking. "This is why I love you so much, Kit. So fucking much.", he nodded his head while he whispered, now resting his head against the omega's shoulder. His deep breaths which were supposedly helping him in not puking kept on hitting Krist's nape and Krist was momentarily distracted by the goosebumps he felt along his arms.

He then shook his head and whispered, smiling: "Yes, I know how much you love me, P'Sing." Singto smiled too and closed his eyes, trusting his mate to get him on firm ground as soon as possible. He absently listened to Krist's and their host's conversation. The latter kept on apologising to the fact that the prince was not feeling well even though it was not his fault that Singto was seasick. He even offered to take the two to the hospital to which Singto instantly protested weakly by burying his face into Krist's neck and muttering: "Just take us home, Kit." Krist rubbed his back and informed the host that they would be fine on their own. The advantages of being a prince, it would seem. Because the bodyguards present had already arranged for Singto and Krist to leave the party.

When they finally reached the firm ground, Krist could feel how Singto slowly relaxed and he raised his head to smile at Krist. Krist smiled back as he examined Singto's face. He felt that his mate was still a bit under the weather since he was still very pale. He was right because Singto sagged against him once more. "I feel so weak..", Singto whispered and Krist nodded at the bodyguards to get the car before he bent down and picked his mate up. It was not without difficulty. Singto kept on slipping and he had to tighten his hold in order not to let the prince fall. Not that the prince was helping him. No. The latter was too busy covering his mouth and giggling like crazy. The seasickness was playing with his sanity, it seemed. Reaching the car, Krist let go of his still giggling mate and the prince leaned against the car while he watched Krist with fond eyes.

Krist rolled his eyes and said: "We need to get you home, P'Sing. You can admire me all you want then." Singto giggled once more before he got into the car. Once Krist got inside too, Singto pulled him closer to him and rested his face against his shoulder before he closed his eyes. Krist placed his hand on Singto's thigh and called the royal doctor on his phone. "Yes. He seems very weak. We'll reach the palace soon. We'll see you there.", were the few words that Singto had been able to catch as he drowsed away the trip back to the palace. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself on bed. A smile came to his lips as he realised that it might be Krist who carried him to the bed. His omega was full of surprise. During fanmeetings, they always got games where they had to carry each other and they rarely were able to fully carry one another since they were always laughing at each other's expense.

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