Chapter Two: The Queen

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(Author's Note: I will be including Katy Perry's song lyrics for Dark Horse in here being as this is a FanFiction based off it, the song belongs to Katy Perry and I don't own Hetalia or the picture.... All that being said, please enjoy Chapter Two)

Time: 9:40 am on Sunday Morning

Point of View: Alfred

--I knew you were You were gonna come to me And here you are But you better choose carefully 'Cause I'm capable of anything, Of anything and everything--

"Come in Yao~!" A british-accented voice calls from inside the throne room, a shiver crawls up my spine.

"That voice though...." I mentally note, finding myself wanting to hear the voice again.

Yao opens the throne room door quietly and walks in, bowing and announcing, "Your highness, the brothers are here to see you as you predicted."

Matthew and I glance at each other nervously from outside the throne room.

"Please come in," the same soothing british-accented voice calls, Matthew and I obediently walk forward.

Upon entering the sapphire-lit throne room, my eyes meet those of the indigo-cloaked queen. I stare in stunned amazement at the beautiful man with slightly messy golden blonde hair, breath-taking emerald eyes, and uniquely-sized eyebrows as he smiles at me from his seat on his throne.

"Holy stars...." I breathe out quietly, gawking at the queen and only faintly registering my brother's incredulous glance towards me out of the corner of my eye.

The queen chuckles softly before calling out to Mattie and I in an amused tone, "Calm closer, I don't bite~"

Mattie and I simultaneously walk forward a few steps, tentatively, causing the queen's smile to drop.

"Oh no.... I get the feeling it's bad when the queen stops smiling..." I mentally muse, glancing over to a now-pale Yao before adding, "Yup, not good at all..."

I step forward a few more steps and bow as gracefully as I can in an attempt to mend the situation.

"Lad, there's no reason to bow," The queen says calmly and I straighten up in response.

I open my mouth to speak only for the queen to hold up his left hand.

"I already know you want to make a deal so please just get on with it, Lad," he states simply, I take a deep breath.

~Time Skip Brought To you by Matthew's Pancakes and the Queen's Magic~

Matthew and I walk out of the throne room then watch as Yao closes the door. We all let out a simultaneous breath.

"Is he always that stubborn and intense?!" Mattie demands.

"The queen is an extremely stubborn but sweet soul in a longing search for his soul mate. That being said, he's not usually that intense." Yao explains, glancing toward me with a concerned expression.

I blink and tilt my head slightly again, mentally noting, "why is he looking at me with such a worried expression? All things considered, I think that meeting went rather well..."

"Why do you look so worried?" Mattie asks, his face now taking on a concerned expression of his own.

Yao sighs and shakes his head before saying softly, "Nevermind that, let me show you to your rooms."

"Our rooms?!" I question, not quite able to keep the alarm from my voice.

"Yes, if you are to protect the queen then you will need to be here," Yao explains, before sighing, "did you not realize that while making your deal with the queen?"

"That's not what I meant...." I whisper.

"If you have rooms prepared for us then I presume that the queen predicted the deal and its outcome in addition to our visit..." Mattie murmurs softly, Yao nods before walking away.

Mattie and I move to go after him, surprisingly having to run to keep up with the small man.

~Time Skip Brought to you by Yao's Panda Pin~

Time: 10:30 am on Sunday

Point of View: Third Person

The raven-haired jack stops before an empty wall and his golden-haired companion stares at him in an utterly confused manner.

"Now I don't mean to be rude or ungrateful but don't rooms usually have doors? At least Mattie's did..." The man muses, the jack laughs.

"Yes they do, this one is no different" the normally serious jack starts, his companion gawks at him and he explains, "The queen enchanted it."

"Why?" The azure-eyed man asks, the jack sighs.

"I promise that I will tell you once we're in your room," the smaller male says, glancing at his curious companion before continuing with, "press your palm to the wall."

The taller male looks at his shorter companion as if to question his sanity but does as he was told to do nonetheless. Upon the taller man's left palm touching the wall, a dark oaken door appears.

"Holy stars...." The blue-eyed man breathes for the second time today, the jack laughs again.

"Why are you so surprised?" The jack asks gently, moving to open the door.

"I'm not so much surprised as I am impressed...." The taller of the two muses, walking into the enchanted room.

Upon entering this room, one would notice a dark oaken dresser to their left with a mirror atop it. Continuing that way, one would notice a rather large four-poster bed with indigo silk sheets adorning it. To the right of the bed, one would notice a fair-sized desk and chair to match the dresser with a pair of large french door to its right. One would also notice a pair of indigo curtains covering said french doors which lead to a balcony outside. The only other item one would note in this room would be a door leading to a small bathroom.

"Holy stars..." The azure-eyed male breathes a third time, the jack cracks a smile but doesn't laugh again.

"Impressed again?" The smaller man asks, sounding amused.

"Yes but now that we're here," the knight starts, the jack nods.

"I am sure you would like to know why the queen enchanted this room first, is that correct?" The jack questions, his companion walks over to the bed and sits down before nodding.

The jack walks over to the desk chair and gestures before inquiring, "May I?"

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