Chapter Eight: The Power of a Name

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(Author's Note: This chapter will have lyrics in it so I'll say it again, Dark Horse belongs to Katy Perry (as far as I know). Also, I don't own Hetalia or the picture.... All that being said, please enjoy Chapter Eight)

Time: 1:00 pm on Monday

Point of View: Katie

Knock Knock

"Oh for the love of the stars, can't a lady read in peace around here?!" I mentally lament bitterly, calling sarcastically, "what may I help you with, dear visitor~?"

"K-Kate...." The familiar voice of Alfred calls, sounding weak and about to cry.

"Oh no..... This can't be good....." I sigh to myself, getting up from my seat and setting my book down for the second time today.

I run over to the library door and open it softly before whispering, "what's wrong, Alfie?"

"M-May I c-c-come in?" Alfred whimpers meekly, his voice trembling causing anger to rise in me.

"Arthur Kirkland! If this is your fault then deals be danged! I will murder you!!" I mentally fume, moving aside for Alfred to enter the library.

Upon there being enough room for him to enter the library, Alfred does so and I close the door gently before leading him to a chair near my previous one. Almost immediately upon reaching the chair, he sits down clumsily and sniffles. Not wanting to push my friend too hard, I walk over to the library door, open it, and wave at Yao. Seeing my gesture, the jack raises an eyebrow and walks over to me quietly.

"Yes, Katie?" He asks.

"Al is crying..... Your vision might've happened in some fashion..... Could you please get him something to drink or eat then come back here and help me comfort him?" I explain, Yao pales then quickly runs off down the hall.

"Something tells me that you didn't show me the whole vision...." I mentally muse, noting his behavior before leaning fully back into the library and shutting the door.

"Katie-Cat..." Alfred whispers to me the moment the door closes completely, sounding only the slightest bit better.

"Yes, Al?" I inquire gently, quickly walking up to my friend and kneeling in front of him.

"What's this...." He mutters almost inaudibly, pulling a familiar azure chain from under his shirt to reveal a new addition.

There, next to the azure dog tag, to its right, hangs a dainty-looking sapphire jewel charm in the distinct shape of a spade. Seeing the charm, my heart plummets and my mouth goes dry.

"A charm will appear, now that you have a dog tag, every time you make a deal with the queen...." A familiar voice supplies from the doorway.

I turn slightly and glance over my shoulder to see Yao, standing with his back pressed lightly against the library door, carrying a silver tray in his hands. Not wanting the jack to trip or fall because of a load on his hands, I get up from my kneeling position and rush over to him. I grab the silver tray from him and we both walk over to Alfred. Silently, I set the tray on the table set in the middle of the library chairs as Yao settles himself in the chair directly next to Alfred.

"Forgive my shortness but what deal did you make now," Yao whispers, concern evident in his voice.

"My brother gets to live if I give the queen.... If I..." Alfred mutters, staring at his feet and clearly struggling.

"As long as you didn't promise your name or your heart, you should be fine," I reassure, the sinking feeling in my chest worsening more and more by the minute.

Dark Horse: A Song-Inspired Yandere! Cardverse! UkUs FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now