Chapter Thirteen: Sharing

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(Author's Note: This chapter will not have lyrics in it, just to warn you guys. Also, I don't own Hetalia or the picture.... All that being said, please enjoy Chapter Thirteen)

Time: 8:10 am on Wednesday

Point of View: Alfred

"Are you going to tell me why the castle is suddenly hellishly hot and, the atmosphere, oppressive?" I ask Yao as he paces around in front of me.

"No, I'm sorry," Yao mutters, continuing to pace.

"Haha..... Didn't really think so...." I mumble defeatedly.

After only a few more moments, Yao abruptly stops pacing, his eyes widening to the size of dinner plates.

"Um.... You alright there, Panda?" I inquire, now very worried.

Knock Knock

"W-W-Who is i-it...." Yao stutters nervously.

"The pizza guy," An unfamiliar voice calls from the other side of the door.

"Taz?!" Yao exclaims with a tone of disbelief, leaping at the door and throwing it open.

"I don't think I've ever seen Yao that enthusiastic about seeing anyone..." I mentally note.

Seeing the open door, a curly-haired-blonde lady with bright-sapphire eyes speeds into the room and up to me with Katie right behind her, the cancerian female looking absolutely overjoyed.

"And I've never seen Katie look so genuinely happy.... This lady must be someone special...." I mentally muse, Katie looks at me as if hearing my thoughts.

"Al, this is Taz, an Ace of Clubs and one of the most important people in the world to me," Katie supplies, smiling happily at me.

"Howdy Taz, I'm Alfred but you call me Al, its very nice to meet you," I say cheerfully, Taz blinks then gives me a small smile.

"So this is the poor guy bushy brows likes?" Taz muses, Katie chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"Bushy brows?" I ask tentatively, mentally adding, "why do I have a feeling that you mean my queen?"

"The queen," Katie clarifies, looking at me with a pitying expression on her face for some reason.

"Do you know something that I don't?" I wonder mentally, watching my brunette friend.

"Taz, don't start, you haven't even been here for a full day," Yao sighs.

"But Panda, if I don't keep Arthur on his toes then no one will and he'll get bored," Taz whines with mock sadness.

"Does she....?" I mentally start, asking quickly, "Panda?"

"His pin," Taz supplies, glancing at me.

"Oh happy day!! Finally someone gets it!!" I mentally cheer, bolting up and exclaiming, "Yup! You're a keeper in my book!"

Taz grins, points at me, and glances at Katie before laughing, "This one's good, keep him around!"

"I plan to..." A familiar british-accented voice says, its owner standing in the doorway.

"OOOOOOH~?" Taz teases, adding while nudging the blonde morach with her elbow, "Someone in love, sweet, sweet love~?"

"How did she get over there so fast?" I mentally inquire, watching as the queen glares at the sapphire-eyed lady next to him.

"Taz, Little Bull looks like he wants to kill you," Yao laughs nervously as Katie mutters something along the lines of "well, here we go again."

"Don't worry, its mutual Panda~" Taz laughs, slinging her arm over the queen's shoulder while glaring harshly at him.

"Why, my dear  ace, I do believe you're correct~" the queen purrs, returning her glare with one of his own.

"Did World War X just break out?" I mentally wonder, feeling a drop of sweat slide down my head.

"Nope, try World War XIV," Katie laughs.

"Are you psychic?" I mentally inquire.

"Some would say psychotic~" Katie giggles, the queen and Taz look at her.

"Having a conversation with Casper?" Taz inquires, smiling at Katie.

"Yup~ <3" Katie laughs, the queen shakes his head.

"Anyway....." The queen says after clearing his throat, everyone goes quiet and he continues, "Ivan and I have come to a decision to avoid another war seeing as he's apparently set on a career in thievery."

"And?" Katie and Taz ask simultaneously, now seeming completely serious.

"Al will choose," A russian-accented voice supplies from behind the queen.

"What??!" Yao and I exclaim simultaneously.

"We decided that Al will choose who he wants," The queen repeats causing my senses to overload, I put a hand to my forehead.

"Al?" Taz asks, I look at her with my hand shaking slightly.

"Al, can you hear me?" Katie inquires as a light-headed feeling takes over me.

"Al, are you alright?" Yao questions as I struggle with my own body, spots starting to appear before my eyes.

"Al, Sunflower?" The clubs' king mouths, my ears no longer able to pick up his voice.

Abruptly, a spark shoots up my back and I fall forward into something comfortably cold, soft, and smelling of mint and earl grey tea.

~Time Skip Brought to you by Surprises~

Time: ????

Point of View: Third Person

[The violet clad Queen of Spades strides silently up to the passed out blonde set on his bed and smiles sadly but ever so lovingly at him. After a moment of this, he leans closer to the taller male and closes his eyes, a pair of crystalline tears slipping from them as he presses his lips to those of the unconscious male. Upon his lips touching the sleeping blonde's, a glowing deep royal blue spade jewel sinks into the unconscious male's chest and disappears. Noticing the jewel's disappearance, the blonde queen moves away from the sleeping blonde and caresses his cheek ever so softly.

"There now, this is truly your choice, my love...." The emerald-eyed monarch whispers, his voice cracking slightly.

Careful not to wake the male on the bed, the queen straightens up but lets his hand linger for a moment before moving to turn away. As if sensing his queen's sadness, the blonde reaches out and grabs onto the queen's now-shaking-hand in his sleep. Turning with more tears in his eyes, the queen gently removes his hand from the taller male's.

"No, my love.... You have to give him a fair chance and, for you to do that properly, I can't stay and I can't keep you with me..." The queen explains, sobbing now.

Seeming to care more about the queen's rising distress, the sleeping blonde reaches for the monarch again but said monarch only steps out of his reach.

"I love you Alfred," ]

With a soft chime from a large clock somewhere in the vicinity, the knight's azure eyes shoot open only to be met with unfamiliar surroundings and absolutely no trace of the queen..... Or, at least, not his  queen. Noticing this, one small tear slips from the knight's left eye.

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