Chapter Six: Clarity

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(Author's Note: This chapter won't have any lyrics in it, I just thought I should warn you guys. Anyway, I don't own Hetalia or the picture.... All that being said, please enjoy Chapter Six)

Time: 7:10 pm on Sunday

Point of View: Third Person

Our gentle ace-friend pauses her massaging of the violet-eyed man's back and frowns deeply at his persistently tense manner. After a quick glance at the night sky look-alike that is her bedroom ceiling and a heavy sigh, the brunette female looks back at her comrade.

"As I said earlier, the queen's visions started up a few years back," the brown-eyed girl starts before admitting quickly, "though I'll admit now that, that statement is a bit of a lie."

"How do you mean?" The blonde ace asks softly.

"The queen's visions started 24 years ago after a deal was made...." The cancerian female whispers vaguely, seeming uncomfortable with the conversation.

"What deal? With whom...." The purple-eyed man presses, his shy companion heaves another sigh.

"The deal was an arrangement for safety from Clubs for the person's family in exchange for a way to gain knowledge about the queen's soul mate," the shorter of the two explains unhappily.

"Who was the deal-maker?" The taller ace asks urgently, seeming to already know the answer.

Despite her friend's urgency, the chocolate-eyed female stays silent and glances to the painted moon on her bedroom ceiling for comfort.

"Who made the deal." The male presses, more firmly this time.

His timid companion sighs heavily for a third time, seeming to accept defeat.

"Kate," the hoodie-clad male warns.

"Drew....." The girl whimpers, suddenly looking far older than one would originally guess her to be.

"Eh?" Her companion asks, now thoroughly confused.

"Andrew Jones, a joker and guardian of the four kingdoms, asked for the queen to protect his wife, Madeline, and his sons from the Clubs monarchy!" The small female cries, seemly distraught and unappreciative of her friend's pressing.

Matthew stares in utter shock at his fellow Ace of Spades before taking a deep breath and asking gently, "why was protection necessary in the first place and why do you seem so pained, Kitty?"

Upon hearing the nickname she hadn't heard in so long, the brunette ace looks up at her human comrade.

"The Clubs King, Ivan, and queen, Elizabeta, had previously asked Maddie to use her foresight gift to predict the outcome of a battle," the girl starts almost inaudibly, looking up at her personal night sky again before continuing, "At first Maddie wouldn't tell either monarch their answer but when she did she told them, truthfully, that she saw Clubs losing to Hearts...."

"Why would that cause anyone to need protection?" Matthew asks gently, carefully pulling his tired-looking friend into his lap in order to hug her.

"Demons aren't particularly good sports about losing...." Katie states sadly, adding simply, "or, at least, Clubs isn't."

"And what about the second part of my question?" The male ace presses carefully, to which the female only smiles sadly causing a pair of fangs to become noticeable.

"I would've happily turned Maddie and Drew if I had known sooner that I'd lose them because of Ivan and Lizzy...." The female ace laments softly.

"So you're...?" The violet-eyed ace inquires, not finishing his question.

"A vampyre whom is far older than 22? Sí...." The brunette confirms gently, carefully moving off her friend's lap.

The taller of the two watches his female friend for a few silent minutes but soon frowns deeply as something dawns on him.

"Katie," Matthew calls out softly just as the girl reaches her closet.

"Sí, Matt?" The girl answers, looking quizzically over her right shoulder at him.

"You said part of the deal included a way to gain knowledge about the queen's soul mate..." The male whispers, the shorter of the two nods and turns her attention back to her closet.

"I assume that the means to find out about the queen's soulmate was given to the queen himself....." The taller ace murmurs, Katie nods again and opens her closet.

"I'm also guessing that the means to find out about the queen's soulmate came in the form of the visions you mentioned earlier..... Correct?" Matthew inquires softly as his cancerian companion rummages around in her closet, appearing to be searching for something.

"Correct," the female ace states after a moment, still rummaging in her closet.

"Well, if all that is true, that mean that the queen's soulmate is in this castle..... Just recently too, judging by the queen's actions earlier today...." Matthew whispers softly as his brunette comrade straights up with something held to her chest.

Not bothering to close her closet, the small brunette female turns and walks briskly back over to her violet-eyed friend before asking softly, "you want a name, don't you?"

Matthew nods and the small girl gently places the object from her closet in his lap.

"An azure dog tag?" The male ace questions in a confused manner as he picks the small tag up, adding softly, "this looks like an identical twin to the one Alfred has now."

The brown-eyed female nods and grabs another dog tag from under her nightgown, whispering carefully, "the queen has only ever given a few of these, I have one too."

"Wait, if you're wearing one...." The shy ace whispers back, trailing off as he looks back at the dog tag resting in his left hand.

"Drew," the chocolate-eyed girl states simply.

"Why?" The blonde male asks quietly.

"The queen gives these to people who have made a deal with him...." The girl explains sadly.

The taller of the two gives his friend a perplexed look before inquiring, "Papa made a deal to give a gift of information in exchange for protection and Alfred offered his service for forgiveness but what did you....?"

"I offered him my eternal service for help finding and bounding with my soul mate....." The girl states in a shy manner, blushing now.

"No offense Kate but why would he want your eternal service?" The male asks softly.

"None taken, the queen is a lonely man so I think he just wanted an eternal companion to help Yao protect him and, eventually, his soulmate," the female states in a nonchalant manner, shrugging lightly.

"Oh..... Eh, speaking of the queen's soulmate...... I hope I'm wrong but does his soulmate just so happen to my dear hero-of-a-brother?" The violet-eyed ace asks nervously, his brunette comrade frowns.

"Honestly, I'm not sure in the least...." The girl admits, glancing away before adding, "though Yao asked me the same thing right after dinner."

"One last thing," the taller ace starts, waiting for his companion to turn back to him before whispering, "what if he is?"

"Then I hope you like the intense and persistent type of monarch because the queen even said he wouldn't lose his soulmate after finally being near his soulmate," the cancerian ace says simply, frowning slightly as her comrade gets up from the bed.

The violet-eyed ace holds out his father's dog tag but the brunette ace shakes her head before walking him to her bedroom door and saying, "keep it Matt and please sleep well."

The blonde male blinks at her as she opens the bedroom door but then smiles and slips his father's dog tag over his head before whispering, "Thank you and goodnight Katie-Cat."

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