Chapter Twelve: The King and the Ace of Clubs

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(Author's Note: This chapter will have lyrics in it so I'll say it again, Dark Horse belongs to Katy Perry (as far as I know). Also, I don't own Hetalia or the picture.... All that being said, please enjoy Chapter Twelve)

Time: 9:00 pm on Tuesday

Point of View: Alfred

--So you wanna play with magic --Boy, you should know whatcha falling for--

I speed out of the throne room, past Panda and Katie, and down the shortest path to my room with my cheeks burning hotter than a five thousand degree oven the whole way. Upon reaching a familiar spot, I press my left palm lightly to the semi-cold wall and a familiar dark oaken door appears. Still flustered and extremely confused, I quickly open the door and march into my sleeping chamber, closing the bedroom door carefully behind me.

"He kissed me...... He.... Kissed...... Me...... Why did he kiss me? Better yet, why me?! Why do I feel tingly all over and...... Most importantly....... WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I'M MISSING A PART OF ME?!" I mentally rant, pacing around my room rapidly.

Knock Knock

"Please don't be Arthur, Please don't be Arthur, Please don't be Arthur, Please don't be Arthur...... Wait a minute...... WHAT IF IT IS ARTHUR?! HE'LL SURELY KILL ME IF I DON'T ANSWER HIM....HaHaHaHa..... HaHa..... SoMeOnE pLeAsE hElP mE...." I mentally panick, standing stock still near the door.

Knock Knock

"Al? You alright buddy?" A familiar voice calls from the other side of the door.

"Oh thank goodness..." I sigh, opening the door quietly to let my friend in.

The brunette female walks in quietly, I close the door, and she tilts her head curiously at me.

"He kissed me." I say simply.

"I guessed as much, if you steal a kiss from the queen then his kiss will kill you slowly," the girl in front of me mutters dryly, I gawk at her.

"And if he's  the kiss thief?!" I demand, uneasiness taking over me.

"He's taken something from you then," she sighs.

"My soul?" I ask.

"A part of it, yes," she whispers, nodding.

"Oh, well in that case...." I murmur, the uneasiness mostly dropping away.

"You offered it to him, didn't you?" Katie inquires quietly, sounding worried but unsurprised.

"I want him to trust me and I figured having my soul would reassure him...." I admit, Katie laughs.

"Oh Alfie!" Katie coos, continuing to laugh.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me!" I pout, going bright red.

"I'm sorry, Alfie! It's just...." Katie chuckles, whipping at her eyes.

"Just what?" I ask tentatively.

"When you were in the throne room with Arthur, about 8:57 or so, Yao and I felt the castle's atmosphere change..." Katie explains, I give her a perplexed look.

"And? Your point?" I question, Katie giggles.

"The castle's atmosphere is affected by Arthur's emotions, the stronger the emotion, the more the atmosphere is felt by those in the castle..... But I digress, at about 8:57, Yao and I felt the atmosphere of the castle become exceedingly..." Katie whispers, trailing off with a genuine smile on her face.

"Whoa! You're genuinely smiling! Who are you and what have you done with my friend?!" I protest, now more confused than ever before.

Katie just shakes her head and says simply, "You make him genuinely happy, Alfred."

Dark Horse: A Song-Inspired Yandere! Cardverse! UkUs FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now