Chapter Fifteen: The Kingdom of Clubs (Part Two)

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(Author's Note: This chapter will not have lyrics in it, just to warn you guys. Also, I don't own Hetalia or the picture.... All that being said, please enjoy Chapter Fifteen)

Time: 2:00 am on Friday (Day Two of Four)

Point of View: Third Person

[Waking in darkness due to the silk blindfold over his azure eyes, the knight begins to inwardly panic as bitter thoughts akin to "Where am I now?" and "Why must I be put through this?" run through his mind.

Click Clack, Click Clack

Despite his thoughts' best efforts to drown everything out, the slow and deliberate footsteps of someone with booted feet reaches his ears. Not entirely certain how to react to the footsteps, the knight decides to return his breathing to a shallow state and pretend to sleep. This small decision proving wise, not even two seconds later, when the door opens and closes again almost silently. Not wasting time, the knight hears the unexpected visitor quietly lock the door and stride over to his bedside.

"Finally~" The visitor sighs in a soothing british-accented voice.

After hearing and recognizing the visitor's voice, the knight waits nervously in his spot for the familiar monarch's next move.

"Hm, I wonder if my dear knight still recognizes my touch," The monarch giggles softly, gently resting his left hand on the knight's right cheek.

Feeling the monarch's familiar colder-than-the-average touch, the knight gasps despite himself.

"Oh good~ He does remember my touch~" The monarch next to him coos contently, caressing his cheek softly.

Torn between his happiness about being reunited with his queen and his fear about his queen's strange actions, the knight moves his face away from the queen's touch.

"Oh, you're awake~" The queen exclaims excitedly, almost too excitedly.

"Where am I?" The knight asks softly.

"Someplace very important to me~" The queen practically purrs as the room's atmosphere becomes both angry and loving at the same time.

"What's wrong?" The knight asks carefully.

"Oh...... Nothing really... It's just... You seem more eager to interrogate me than you are to see me," The queen admits, his voice becoming dangerously quiet and more than a little bitter as he speaks.

"Oh... My apologies, I haven't been thinking straight, your majesty," The knight apologizes swiftly, realizing his mistake as the room's atmosphere becomes oppressive.

"Alfred," The queen mutters venomously, latching onto the knight's left hand with a terrifying amount of strength before continuing in a less venomous tone, "That's not the name you should be using..."

"I'm sorry... My queen," The knight sighs.

Upon hearing the knight's words, the monarch's grip changes from a death grip to a gentle hold and the room's atmosphere turns loving once more. In further reaction to the knight's words, the queen lets out a happy sigh, crawls into the bed, and moves to wrap his arms around the still blindfolded knight.

"No worries, my love, it was just a mistake~" The queen coos, kissing the knight's left cheek ever so softly.

Not content to stop there, the queen rests his left hand on the knight's right cheek once again and gently turns the knight's face toward him. Leaning forward slightly, the queen closes his eyes and presses his lips softly to the knight's.]

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