Chapter Three: Answers?

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(Author's Note: First off, I'm sorry there hasn't been a Yandere moment yet guys and I'm sorry the first few chapters are so slow.... On that note, this chapter will be slow too.... Secondly, Chapter four will be faster than the first three.... Lastly, I don't own Hetalia or the picture.... All that being said, please enjoy Chapter Three)

Time: 10:45 am on Sunday

Point of View: Alfred

I watch patiently as Yao settles himself on the padded desk seat.

"Soooooo...." I start quietly, Yao looks at me and gives me the 'one moment' gesture.

I watch with mild curiosity as the jack produces a small sapphire-colored box from his near-violet robes (A quick author's note: may I remind you that this FanFiction is strictly UkUs so would the AmeChu fans please keep calm).

"What's that?" I ask, pointing at the box.

"A gift the queen asked me to give you," Yao says, handing me the small box before adding, "it might answer your first question but if you need more explanation then please just tell me."

I stare suspiciously at the box.

"The queen wouldn't order your death this early on in the deal," Yao scoffs in response to my reaction.

"I'm sorry, I just wasn't sure," I say, shrugging before opening the small box.

However, upon seeing the box's contents, I look back at the jack.

"I take it that created more questions than it answered," Yao sighs, I nod before returning my gaze to the gift.

"Well, I guess we should start with your first question then..." Yao muses, adding quickly, "the queen enchanted this room so he could be sure you would have a private place of your own that only you can enter without permission, a sanctuary of sorts."

"That's kind of sweet...." I murmur, smiling lightly.

"Next question?" Yao asks.

I glance at the gift again and a small azure dog tag sparkles up at me from within its box, it's long matching chain sitting under it.

"Of all things....." I start.

"Why a dog tag?" Yao inquires, I nod and he continues, "well, the queen is well loved with only a few real enemies outside of the Diamond kingdom so a personal knight is basically a glorified guard dog."

I scrunch up my nose in disgust and glare at the dog tag.

"You'll be seen as ungrateful and rude if you reject a gift from the queen," Yao says dryly, I sigh.

I pick up the small dog tag and slip the chain over my head, allowing the tag to fall onto my chest a moment later.

"Well at least it's not a dog collar..." I mumble, playing absently with the azure chain.

"Any other questions?" Yao asks, appearing slightly amused.

"If the queen is well loved then why did he accept a deal involving having a personal knight guard him?" I inquire almost immediately.

"I suspect that his acceptance of your deal has barely anything to do with his safety," Yao provides dryly.

"Interesting facts about the four kingdoms and the queen's mark...." I whisper, Yao blinks at me.

"The queen's mark and interesting facts?" Yao muses before laughing softly and murmuring, "the queen's spade mark is on the left side of his neck~"

"Oh?" I inquire, ignoring the jack's knowing grin.

"Does someone have a crush on the queen already~?" Yao teases, I glare at him half-heartedly.

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