Chapter Sixteen: Back Home

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(Author's Note: This chapter will have lyrics in it, just to warn you guys....... Dark Horse belongs to Katy Perry as far as I'm aware. Also, I don't own Hetalia or the picture.... All that being said, please enjoy Chapter Sixteen)

Time: 8:00 am on Saturday (Day Three of Four)

Point of View: Alfred

--Are you ready for, ready for A perfect storm, perfect storm, Cause once you're mine, once you're mine, There's no going back--

Opening my eyes softly, I'm met with the now familiar darkness caused by a blindfold. Attempting to shift my position in order to both orient myself and get more comfortable, I'm met with resistance as someone's hold on me tightens considerably.

"Good morning, love~! Sleep well~?" A certain soothing british-accented voice coos softly to me, this causing my mind to recall last night's events.

Upon recalling the previous night, my mind decides to register the queen's death grip on my left hand as well as the queen's current closeness to me.

"I slept better than I ever have, my queen, what about you?" I inquire softly.

"Better than you ever have, hm~? Is it crazy to hope that my presence caused that for you?" The queen whispers softly, somehow moving closer to me.

"No, my queen, that's not at all crazy but how did you sleep?" I whisper back gently, shivering slightly as my companion lets out a happy sigh not unlike that of the previous night.

"I slept wonderfully, my love~" My companion coos, letting go of my hand only to wrap his arms around me tightly, "Moreover, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if you caused my wonderful rest~"

Upon securing his hold around me, my queen laughs happily and I feel him kiss my head.

"Was he this happy and affectionate before? I don't think so....." I mentally wonder as the queen starts humming merrily.

"My love? You've gone quiet, did you fall back asleep?" The queen muses quietly after a few moments, his hold on me tightening a bit more.

Worried about my queen, I open my mouth to answer but am cut off by my stomach growling plaintively. Hearing my stomach's loud complaining, the queen laughs lightly and I blush brightly.

"Breakfast time then~" The queen laughs, releasing me.

"My queen?" I ask, attempting to sit up despite being unable to see.

"Yes, my love?" The queen coos softly.

"Please remove the blindfold," I murmur, the queen stays quiet for a few minutes.

"No," The queen answers simply.

"But I need to see to walk," I protest.

"Correct but I'm going to carry you so you don't need to see," the queen laughs humorlessly, the rustling of fabric alerting me to my queen's exit of the bed.

"Bu-" I start to protest only to be cut off by someone picking me up bridal style.

Not liking the idea of my queen carrying me, I start trying to push away from the colder-than-average embrace with a rant of, "Hey! This isn't cool! Put me down, put me down this instant! I'm a grown man, let me walk! Let me go! How are you even lifting me?!"

"My love, I'm the bloody Queen of Spades, a queen of vampyres, so, as cute as your ranting and struggling is, you can't get away from me so just relax~" The queen states calmly, his voice dripping with amusement.

With my pride now slightly bruised, I continue to stubbornly try to push my queen away, admittedly failing to put even a slight distance between us. Noticing my continued struggling, the queen sighs and grabs my left hand. Abruptly, the scent of mint and earl grey takes over my sense of smell and my body stills its own movements, refusing to listen to my screaming brain.

Dark Horse: A Song-Inspired Yandere! Cardverse! UkUs FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now