Again? Chapter 12

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~De next dey~

Tim woke up and ran out the room. He went to tord's office and shut the door when he went inside. He stood on a 'X' and pushed a button. A hatch opened up and he sat down. He slid down the slide and went to the arcade room. Tord taught him multiple times what to do with the button. He maybe 5 but he's smart. He started playing video games on a flat screen TV. He was playing Mortal Kombat. Tam woke up and looked around "Huh guess he went to go play his game" She stood up and stretched. She left the room and went into the kitchen to get something to eat but she got nauseous and ran to the bathroom. She knelt down and started puking in the toilet. Tord ran in cause he heard her and knelt down rubbing her back. "Tam what's wrong?" "i-i don't know.... I went to go get something to eat but I felt nauseous instead of hungry" Tord thought for a moment "Do you think you could be p-pregnant again????" Tam flushed the toilet "Maybe. We did you know what a few days ago. Maybe I just caught a bug. Yea that might be it" Tam stood up and rinsed her mouth out with mouthwash and washed her hands. "but what if your pregnant?! Shouldnt you take a test?! Please!" Tam sighed "Fine if it'll make you shut up" Tord handed her a pregnancy test "Why the hell do you have these" "just in case I got you pregnant. Again.." "Uh thanks. Now step out. I don't need you in here while I'm taking the test. Please" "ok min dronning" He stepped out the bathroom and shut the door. He crossed his fingers. Of course he wanted another baby. He wanted to be there for it. Tam took the test "So I have to wait 5 minutes for this one. Sheesh and I have to have it on a flat surface" She put it on the counter and washed her hands and waited. "man, this is the longest five minutes of my life"

~5 minutes later~

Tam looked at the test and her 'eyes' widen. She was pregnant. She opened the door and Tord looked at her "I'm pregnant...." Tord listed her up "THAT'S WONDERFUL!!!!" He gave her kisses all over her face. She giggled "A little boy or girl" Tord smiled "Our little boy or girl. I'm picking the name." "fine fine. You can pick the name. But im going to make a doctors appointment to verify the pregnancy before we jump to any conclusions" "K. We'll tell Tim as soon as we know if your pregnant" "ok I'll be in my room" She went into her room and called her doctor that verified her pregnancy with Tim and delivered him. She went to Tord who was in his office and knocked "Come in" She walked in "The appointment is next Wednesday. Would you like to come? We can have Paul and Pat watch Tim" "Ok min dronning. I wouldn't miss it for the world" She smiled and kissed his cheek "I love you" "jeg elsker deg også" 'Well I'll leave you to your work" "k min dronning" He continued signing paperwork and Tam went to Tim. She joined him on playing the game "Holy cow! Your good at this!" "duh mamma. I play for a long time!" "Well since you turned 5 years old, would you like to go to school to make friends?" "YEA!!!!!" she smiled "I'll tell your dad when he is done working" "Oki. I love you mommy" "I love you too baby boy" "I'm not a baby anymore silly!" "Well your my baby. No matter how old you are" "Furever?" "Furever!" They continued playing the game.

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