NO! chapter 17

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~Tam's POV~

Another normal day. Tim was at school and Tord was working leaving me alone. I decided to go out this time so I got dressed, put my hoodie on and grabbed my phone. I went to Tord's office and knocked.

~3rd POV~

"Come in"

Tam walked in and went to Tord. She kissed his cheek "I'm going out for a bit. I won't be long. I love you"

Tord looked up at her "I love you too. Be careful and call me if anything happens, or at least try to. I don't want anyone to hurt you"

"Ok. If I'm gone long then your probably gonna have to kill a motherfucker" Tam giggled

"Ok gotcha" He kissed her cheek and her stomach

Tam left the army base and went on a walk. It was Tim's lunch and she bought them both lunch. She went to his school and got a sticker that had her first and last name on it. She put it on her shirt and went to the Hall and waited with her and his lunch. As about 5 minutes pass, his class came out.

Tim saw Tam and ran to her. He hugged her leg "mommy! You didn't tell me you were coming here!"

"Well I wanted to surprise you. Come on let's go eat" She walked into the cafeteria with him behind her. They say at a table and she gave him his food and drink then got her own from the bag

Tim started eating, as well as Tam, he was talking about his day. After a while Tam left and it was recess time for Tim. All the kids went outside. Tim went to the fence and sat alone. He didn't have that many friends but they were too busy playing their own game and didnt include Tim so he sat alone. Which didn't bother him of course because he loved being by himself. But then a strange man came and picked him up covering his mouth and ran to a van and put him in the back then shut the doors and locked them.  "NO!! NO NO NO NO!!" Tim screamed at the top of his lungs. The man drove off really fast with Tim in the back. He went up the the man and started beating the living shit out of the man which caused the man to swerve. Tim kept screaming 'no' at the top of his lungs as he beat the man. The cops saw what was going on and stopped the van surrounding it. Til was still beating the man who took him. It was a solider from the black army. The police legit broke the door since they heard Tim and Tim jumped out as fast as he could "THEY MAN! HE TOOK ME FROM SCHOOL!" the police arrested the man and Tim ran off. He legit ran to the base. He had the energy of a bullet (if anyone gets the reference lemme know)  Tim made it to the base and ran through the security. He ran to Tam and she picked him up.

"Tim!? What are you doing here!? Your suppose to be at school!" Tam said worridly.

Tim breathed heavily and tam got him water. He chugged it "a man came for me! He took me! I hurt him! Police have him now! He wore a black uniform!" He was still breathing heavily.

"Calm down hunny. I understand but how'd you get here" Tam asked still worried.

"I ran!" Tim hugged Tam tightly and she hugged back

"Let's go tell your dad this!" Tam took Tim to Tord's office and entered quickly without knocking.

Tord looked up "what wrong?"

Tim explained everything which pissed off Tord.

"This means we're going on a killing spree. Coming after our child!?" He started muttering curse words in Norwegian.

Tam inhaled and exhaled "this means war...."

Tim looked at Tam and Tord "I hurt a man today"

Tord smiled "we know you did. Good job"

Tam smiled "a fighter like your dad"

Tim stood proud of what he did.

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