One Night Chapter 5

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~Tam's POV~
I was reading a story being bored as hell. All of a sudden I heard a knock. I placed the book down so I can keep my place and opened the door. It was....
A drunk Tord?
He stumbled into my house "Tammy~ *hic*" I rolled my 'eyes' "Tord what are you doing here?" He laid down on my couch "I came *hic* to see you baby~" I shook her head "Tord you drunk" he chuckled "I'm not drunk tamtam I just have the *hic* hiccups" he was right he wasn't drunk because he walked in a straight line without falling "Ok what do you want Tord?" Tord wrapped his arms around her waist "Like I said I came to see you~" I shook her head "Well now you seen me" he chuckled "Not what I meant TamTam~" he nuzzled into my neck and begin kissing my neck. I let out a small moan which made him smirk.

~3rd person POV~

Tam- "T-Tord no"

Tord- "Please Tammy~"

Tam- she rolled her 'eyes' "Fine" she lead him into her room and she locked her door

(Now no lemon I know y'all are mad but I can't do lemon because young cinnamon rolls are reading)

~1 hour of the donkey shack later~

Tam was snuggled up against Tord sound asleep. Tord kissed her forehead and had an arm around her

Tord- "I love you" he whispered and fell asleep

~time skip brought to you by WHITE MILK AND BACON~

It was the next morning and Tam was in the kitchen wearing her bra, underwear and Tord's hoodie. Tord was still asleep until he smelt BACON! He lept out of Tam's bed and put on his boxers and pants then sprinted to Tam. He hugged her by the waist

Tord- "What cha makin'?

Tam- she giggled "BACON!"

Tord laughed and took a look piece of bacon and ate it. Tam finished cooking and made tord and herself a plate. She handed him the plate and started eating as well as she did.

~time skip brought to you by being lazy af~

Tam was watching tv when tord came in and sat next to her

Tord- "Hey tamtam I gotta go" she kissed her cheek. He was fully dressed but Tam still was wearing his hoodie

Tam- "Awww ok" she kissed his cheek "Text me when you get the chance tordle"

Tord- "Always min dronning" he left

Tam fell asleep still in his hoodie.

But then a car came and hit Tord and he yelled and blacked out. Tam ran to Tord and called Paul and Pat who came ASAP. They took tord away.

~some time later~

Paul went to Tam's house and knocked on the door. Tam answered

Tam- "H-Hey Paul how's tord?"

Paul- tears in his eyes "H-He's gone Tam...."

Tam broke down and Paul comforted her

~Tam's POV~
Tord's gone!? After this night he's gone! I couldn't help but cry I ran to my room and screamed and cried I punched the wall I destroyed my room but it wasn't going to bring the love of my life back

~3rd person POV~

Paul left and went back to the base and into Tord's office

Tord- "Did she buy it?"

Paul- "Yea she is upset about it. I can't believe we had to do that to her"

Tord- "Well it was either that or she would be a target. The plan was simple. I spend time with her one more night and when she was in the living room I swapped myself out with a clone than left. Then I had my clone say goodbye to her and get hit by a car. Then had you break the news to her" he sighed "I needed to fake my death to throw enemies off and protect her. You'll visit her in a year and check up on how she's doing than report back to me on how she's doing"

Paul- "Yes sir. Don't worry I won't let you down"

Tord- "Good now your dismissed"

Paul nodded and left.

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