The fight

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Helloooooo cutiessss 👅‼️ sooooo I've been working on the main plot of this part for a while so let's see how bad it turns out some of this may trigger you guys apologizes -Neveah 🤤

We saw cole walking up too us and we noticed he was alone like no back up plan or anything. He strolled up to me we were a few feet away from each other. He was kinda tall for our grade about 5'2, he had blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes with freckles.

He looked me up and down. I stared at him, "what are you doing?" Then he did something I've never seen him do before, he smiled. "You know if you didn't have such a big mouth we would've dated in 1st grade." I blushed at him. "S-shut up are we doing this?"  I ask and clutch my sides hard. We walks up closer to me and lifts up my jaw, he smirks at me and lifts me up into a kiss.

I pull back and I could already tell my face was pink because I felt the heat on my cheeks. "H-hey you idiot you stole my first kiss." "You stole mine back." He laughs and walks away. I was too dumb founded to talk. Once he was outta sight I heard the girls fall out of the tree laughing there asses off.

I clutch my sides harder and blush. "Shut up both of you let's go." I grumble. They stiffen up and only some giggles escape before I give them the look and they quiet down. We march for the tree Callie was at with Theresa. As soon as we got up we had too pull Theresa out of a fight.

"Theresa what the hell happened?!" I snap as the kid runs away. "He was trying to get Callie's skirt up so we got into a fight and the fucker lost." She rubbed her jaw. "We can get him later ok?" I look at Callie. She looks up from her book and smiles. The bells rings and recess is over.

Time skip to the end of the day-
"Hey Claire how'd it go?" I ask in music. She starts blushing. "He hit on me, then kissed me." "He did what?!" I whisper shout. The teacher notices us talking and separates us. I swear she will tell me.

We go back into class for snack before we have to get onto the buses to head home for the day. Thankfully it's a Friday so I can harass Claire all weekend about what happened at recess. Me, Claire, Paige, Theresa and Madie head to one of the back tables. I pull out a bag of hot Cheeto puffs while they all pull out their assortment of snacks and begin talking to one another. I had lost track of time apparently and didn't hear the bell ring dismissing us for the weekend. When I finally realized everyone was leaving I grabbed my stuff and bolted to the bus before I'd have to walk home. Again.

At home-
Claire was waiting by the door seeing as she ran to the house before me. We weren't the richest people but we were still comfortable. Our house had a long stone path way leading up to the big front door and surrounding porch, accommodated by a double garage, the house was two story's tall, painted a faint green. *I looked this up and this house looked perfect ⬇️ so here's kinda a visual of their house*

As I walked up closer to the door I heard loud yelling and screaming, Claire noticed to so she went in first and kept me close behind to make sure I didn't get hurt

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As I walked up closer to the door I heard loud yelling and screaming, Claire noticed to so she went in first and kept me close behind to make sure I didn't get hurt.

"You're so fucking useless!! I can't believe your my sister!" Our mom slurred out. Drunk already doesn't surprise me. Practically our whole life our aunt has raised us but she didn't take full responsibility til this year. She'd be around to babysit sometimes but since mom had her relapse she's been over looking out for us. "You need to go to rehab for the twins! Can't you see how much you're hurting them!" Our aunt pleaded with her.

She had a point me and Claire have countless bruises and maybe even scars from her throwing beer bottles at us and even becoming aggressive. Just last week we were doing our homework in the living room and she comes in and yells then slaps me and when Claire tried to hold her back she hit her over the head with the wine bottle she had in her hand. Shattering it over her head. Once mom realized she broke it she screamed more and kick the coffee table, while I called our aunt over to help Claire.

"Oh for pity's sake Marcy! I don't need rehab I told you I can handle my drinks." "No you can't! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A DRUKEN SLUT OF A MOTHER! You'll never get better even for your girls. You might as well just drink yourself to death." It fell silent for a few awkward moments. Then the most terrifying thing I'll never forget in my life happened next.

We see Marcy fly from the kitchen into the living room banging into the coat hooks and slumping to the ground, the thing I'll never forget is the loud crunch we heard that followed her impact. We stood there dumb founded at what happened. I numbly walk over to the only mother I knew, she was breathing but she was unconscious. I turned around tears sting my eyes I stare right in to my mothers eyes.

"What. The. Fuck. IS WRONG WITH YOU! She's right your not a mother! Your a sad excuse as a human being living on this earth! If your going to drink yourself to death do it now. After all she's done for you tried to help you to get our life back to normal. AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY HER! YOU SICK SADISTIC WHORE LEAVE US ALONE WERE BETTER OFF WITHOUT YOU!" I scream fully letting the tears flow as I turn my attention to my aunt.

Claire's POV-
I've never seen Callie upset but mom had it coming. "Is that what you think I am? Wow I see now that your aunt has played herself as the victim. I'm going out and when I get back this whore better be out of here and this place better be clean." She picks up her purse and jacket and storms out of the house.

I follow over to Callie and help her lift our aunt up to the couch. I couldn't think on an empty stomach so we headed to the kitchen and left our aunt to rest on then couch. We got ourselves some cookies and glasses of milk. Heading back in we grabbed an ice pack and put it on her head hoping to slow down any headaches.

I'm sorrrry loves but I must end this part here 💗 but thanks for 200+ reads !! I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far and I'll be sure to be on my toes about updating much love !! Xoxo -Neveah

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