✌︎ kiss me miss me with that bullshit ✌︎

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Hello guys~~
I'm doing mentally better thanks to a certain person that I'm very grateful for so hopefully I can gets this story done today it'll most likely be based on a few true events that have happened to me :)

Plip, plop, plip, plop.
A soft groan in protest could be heard through the small room. A bright blue light shines in her face as she checked her phone. The time read a striking 6am. While she didn't want to get up she knew she'd have to it was a friendship after all.
Slowly she gathered her strength and she stuck her feet over the side of her bed. Soundlessly shuffling to her closet to look for an outfit to wear to school today. She decided she'd be a little dressy today, gathering her clothes she headed to her small bathroom on the other corner of her room.
      She liked over powering hot showers so she turned on the heat and added a hint of cold to wake her up more and not lull her to sleep. Steam covered her mirror as she finished her shower. She smeared tooth paste on her baby pink tooth brush and started going into small circles making sure to get all of her teeth slowly following after with floss.
       She changed into her outfit of the day not dressy but dressy enough for her to be uncomfortable in it. She grabbed her bag and lunch box and headed to the second floor. She headed to the door at the end of the hall to the left though before she could open it her sister bursted through about to yell but stopped when she saw Callie in front of her. "Good you're up cmon we're gonna miss the bus."
     A short bus ride later and they were at school. They did their normal routine of going to their lockers then Into the cafeteria for lunch. They went to a private school where they did have uniforms but since They were rich and Claire had the most powerful gang in the whole state no one bothered enforcing it onto them.

   I went to dump my tray and head back to my locker since I forgot my science text book and I had that first hour. I told Claire that I would only be a second and she didn't have to come with me.
I was turning a sharp corner trying to head back to the cafeteria but ended up smashing myself into someone else. I looked up into the eyes of Cole but before I could say anything he does. "Oh course you're the person I run into, where's your sister?" Assuming he was talking about Claire I simply replied that she was in the cafeteria.
He gave me a smug grin and inches closer to me. Confused I stayed still, "uH Cole what are you doing...?" He stops looking closer at me after a few moments he goes bright red. I was still confused and had no idea what was happening. "Sorry Callie you looked like Claire." "Well we're twins but we have completely different eye colors...." he didn't reply he just sped off towards the cafeteria fastly typing on his phone.
"What the fuck..." I whisper softly to myself. "Hey are you okay?" I look to the side where the voice radiates from and see Grayson. "Oh hey ya I just bumped into someone." "Here let me help you up." "Thanks." "No problem princess." "Princess....?" "Mhm." "Why princess?" "Oh just something me and Claire talked about." "You know Claire...?" "Ya somehow Callie Allie you forget to mention you have a twin sister." A nervous giggle escaped my mouth. "Did you want me too go oh ya I have an identical twin sister btw." "A heads up would've been nice."

"Anyway what did you wanna say?" "Huh?" "Last night you said you had a question." "Oh ya." "What was it?" "Do you wanna have a sleepover." He smiles at me and I flushed, "uh ya that could be fun." "Great I'll come over at like 4:25." "Oka-." A loud scream ripped through the school corridors. "What the fuck was that." Grayson gripped onto me tighter. Claire came running down the hall with Paige, Madie and Theresa. She looked pissed off and worried.
"We're leaving right now let's go I already called Marcy." "What the fuck is going on?!" "SHUT UP AND COME ON IM NOT SAYING IT TWICE EVERYONE LETS GO I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS." Everyone was silent and Claire calmed her tone. "I hope everyone has their shit because we won't be back here for a while." I didn't have much important things in my locker just books so I didn't care.

Though I was super confused. Claire wasn't playing around we hurried out of the school. Among all of the fleeing students I caught a glimpse of ash's hair. I hurried called her over to the car. All of us squeezed into Our aunts car. I ended up having to sit on Grayson's lap his arms soon tightening over my thighs causing a slight blush. I looked back at the school. It looked as if it was moving, kids poured out of every area screaming others helping their friends. What the fuck was going on?

Well I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter :))) I'll try updating again soon Tehe ~ Neveah

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