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Hey guys it's been a hot minute but high school is kicking my ass but you didn't come here for me you came for the story update 🥰
"Are you serious." "Ya kiddo its a sink hole." we all sat in silence as we listened to the news telling us how our school and a few other buildings in the area were caught into a sink hole.

"It has been announced that while the school waits for updates in the sink hole they have come up with a plan for schooling the thousands of students in their school system, one of the solutions they have come up with is using google classroom to teach and have their students do all their work on. We will be sure to keep everyone updated on this."

Callie stalked upstairs everyone following into her foot steps. They had no idea what to do it was a complete shock. soft rain could be heard just outside of her window. After a few minutes of calling and talking to parents they decided it was safer to have everyone stay at the girls house so no one would be caught in the storm outside as it raged on harder and harder.


"Should we watch a movie?" we all decided we were gonna all stay in the basement because that's where the projector was and all the games were. "Hell ya but what are we gonna watch?" "if I may," Paige cut in, "we should totally binge watch all the harry potter movies." "Oh fuck ya bro." Ash Happily jumped up and down.

We got everything ready for the movie and got comfy. Claire turned on the first movie and we all sat down watching the movie. Grayson scooted closer to me and started to cuddle into me. I smirked at this and started making my way over to cuddle into him and watch the rest of the movie.

It was about 4 am before we all had fallen asleep well everyone except Ash and I, we decided instead of waking everyone up by staying down there we were gonna head up to my room and sleep. Except for the fact that we weren't really tired and the fact that we had way to much energy. So we decided to play Mario cart but stopped soon after she started losing to me when i won 8 out of the ten times we played. So we agreed on just watching the end of the f***ing world. "Hey so whats up with you and Grayson?" "Huh what do you mean?" "Well you guys seemed really friendly down stairs and in the car ride over here..."

Why did ash care so much if I had feelings for him, It didn't make sense to me but i brushed it aside and continued to explain to her that me and him were just friends. Just friends and that's all we'll ever be. It was quiet for awhile before I asked her if she wanted to get any food seeing as we weren't getting tired anytime soon.

The only thing that could be heard from throughout the house was us ransacking the kitchen for snacks. We managed to find some goldfish, munchies, a case of monster, and Swiss rolls. There was more stuff but we decided we'd come back down for them when we ran out of snacks.

For the most of the night we just ended up watching movies and playing games at about 6 am Ash had drifted off too sleep. I still wasn't tired so I stayed up. I heard a soft buzz sound through our blanket void. Thinking it was my phone I fished around for it. My hand hit something hard assuming it was my phone I picked it up.

It was a phone just not mine, It was Ashes. I flipped it over and the screen drones and lights up. Her home screen was a picture of us at a Halloween party. It warmed my heart and made me smile like an idiot. She had a few notifications from snap and Instagram I really wasn't in the answering mood but I still unlocked her phone and looked through her notes. 

She had a diary in her notes and while i felt bad looking through them i let my curiosity get the better of me and ended up going through it since there wasn't any locks on them. I read a few until they got too private then i'd get off and move on in order to give her some sort of privacy still.  When i got too the recent ones she had some mention about a girl.

As I read through these it seemed like Ash was in love with this girl. it ached my heart to know that. For why i have no reason but she never said the girls name. After reading through it more i got too upset and put her phone back down. My thoughts wondered back and forth in why i felt the way I did. It didn't make sense to me so i fell asleep but still enraged.


Hey guys! i'm so sorry for taking forever to update but i hope everyone is being safe due to covid-19 and are staying healthy and inside. But enjoy the story update ill see you guys soon.


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