- S U M M E R -

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Hello loves i'm so bad at updating you have no idea the last update I had was in December when I started working on it, it was actually Christmas eve and I posted it 2 months later and it was literally a small update, like it wasn't even a story. I fully give you guys permission to yell at me. I have been working on side stories though so you guys can't yell at me saying i'm being lazy the first chapter for both should be up soon. Anyway on with the story.

Me and Claire were sitting on the porch, eating some ice cream we got from the freezer and just enjoying each others company. "Girls can you come in here and help me." "ya here we come." we walked into the kitchen and saw our aunt at the kitchen table going through some things. "So later we are going shopping to redo your guys rooms since you guys have had the same rooms for a while and I find it cleansing to switch things up, so I was wondering if you guys had any paint preferences?" "Well I would like a dark purple kinda like a plum." Claire answered holding her hand up to her face in a thinking manner. Claire's room was well as you know pretty dark, Since she was still in charge of the Mustang kids. "Hmm Maybe a soft blue or a cotton candy pink?" I looked up at our aunt. "No no no, no pinks Your room is already pink." I sighed but smiled anyway. "So later we will go shopping actually after I'm done with the dishes we will go how about that?" we both nodded and headed back outside.

It was a great day, the sun was really warm and the air smelled of honey. I sat down in the grass continuing to eat my ice cream. I heard the soft patter of feet on gravel walking towards us. Looking up I saw it was Ash, and the gang. "Hey girls sorry I forgot to text you were about to go shopping." "Oh what for?"I sat up interjecting the conversation. "Our aunt thinks its a good idea for us to redo our rooms so were going room shopping." Claire giggled throwing up jazz hands "Ahhhh." they giggled back. "You guys are welcome to come if you'd like." "Hey girls come here please." our aunt called once again, we all entered the house. "Oh hey Ash, Theresa, Paige, Madie, How are you guys?" "Were fine thanks but we heard you needed help with chores." Paige smiles. "Well that's very nice of you girls but were about to go shopping, would you guys like to join us?" "We would love to." Theresa smiles slyly. "Then before we start taking stuff down we can do chores and I can help you guys with rooms and what not. First though you guys need to make a checklist of what you guys need so we can get it shopping today." They all went racing up the stairs.

Claire's room was first since she was on the second floor and not in the attic. They all entered Claire's room. Just like Callie she had her favorite bands and everything on her walls, She liked her room darker so she took out her light bulb and uses a few strands of white fairy lights. She had her favorite band vinyls on her wall and even band posters. Her dresser was a clothing rack with her shirt and pants on the top and shoes on the bottom. Her vanity and full body mirror were in between her closet and bathroom doors. She had a full bed, and her bed sheets were aliens. On her walls were a few Polaroids here and there some new some from ages ago. Within a few minutes Claire had made a checklist of everything she needed and they were heading up to my room to help me.

I however needed a lot done I need all new furniture and everything I didn't even know here to start, everything I had for me was so outdated to how I felt as a person. *In the comments I want you guys to imagine how you see Callie's room*  I still very much liked All the fandoms I was into in fact I still had my ravenclaw banner up. It took me a good 20 minutes to write down all the things I needed and headed down stairs with everyone in tow. "If you guys are ready we can head to ikea to get furniture and home depot for paints and other hardware items." we all nodded and hastily headed into the car and drove off to get all the necessary items for the redecoration process.

*Time skipppp by like a lot*

It had taken us a full week to get all the rooms done and finally get all the furniture and stuff in. I skipped down stairs and into claire's room where she was putting up the finishing touches on her room. Only a few minor things had changed about her room. She of course painted it a darker color, But she got a new bed it was a large canopy bed with black tulle as the curtains. Instead of her records on her wall she had them in a record box and her record on a shelf with them. She had mainly gotten more records and decorations the main furniture thing she got was a hanging chair almost a bed and a new tv with a stand and some comfy bean bags with really fluffy blankets and pillows. The main cool thing wasn't her hanging chair though that was pretty cool. It was actually her coffee table, it looked normal but if you flipped it up it was a cooler and it had drinks and snacks and stuff it was pretty freaking awesome. I plop down on her hanging chair.

"Hey I need your opinion on something." "Ya Claire?" She walks outta the bathroom and plops down next to me. "it's about you know who." my face dropped and I remained silent.


Sorry for such the suspenseful and long awaited update, it took while because I'm going through a toxic breakup but thanks for being patient. I'm also sorry this is such a short chapter and not really filler for the next one i'll put my full effort into it. 

Thank for understanding kitties!


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