P A R T 5

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heyyyy guys so as of right now i'm at cheer camp so for the next few days I won't be able to update easily considering i'm on a laptop because my phone has kinda gone you know dead on the inside like me. Besides the malfunction I will still try to post. and considering the 28th we start school again and this year i'm Cheer leading so it'll be a lot harder to update with after school practices and games. But i promise my best. -Neveah

I stomp up to my room mad at my mom. She always does this why does she have to be so self centered all the time?! I want things to go back to how they were. I don't want to be in the house anymore so I'll just go on a walk. I changed into something fairly simple a black and white stripped halter top, with a denim skirt, an adidas hat, my black high tops and a velvet choker.

I grabbed the closet bag next to me which of course had to be my pink holo crybaby bag and a jacket and headed out the door. "Where are you going?" Claire asked as I grabbed our spare key. "I need time to think I'm going on a walk." "Let me go with you." She gets up. "No someone needs to be here if mom comes back." She stares at me then nods sitting back down. "Make sure your phones charged ok?" I nod and head out.

It was fall and there was leaves all over the streets and side walks. I plugged my head phones in scrolling through a playlist. Before I knew it I was at the park. I decided to sit on the swings and just listen to music for a while to clear my mind. I would say it was a few hours before I felt something wet hit my shoulder. I looked up and it was raining.

I was a good 9 blocks from home and I don't have the energy to run for it either. I got off the swing and head for the shelter house on the opposite side of the play area. "Great." I said and sighed, My music had come to a sudden stop. I looked down and my phone had died. "Awe man are you serious!" I place my head in my hands and start to cry.

Why was my life like this?
Why was I so useless?
Why can't I be strong enough to fight my own fights?
Why don't I just di—

I felt a tap on my shoulder I stiffened and looked up. It was a girl around my age. She had dirty blonde hair, soft features and honey colored eyes almost hidden by her glasses. She looked into my tear filled eyes.

"Are you ok?" Her voice was soft and melodic. I didn't say anything I was stunned by how cute she was. Wait what was I saying? "Do you live around here?" She asked me. "N-no not really." I wiped a tear from my face. She sat down next to me. I looked away. "Well it's supposed to storm bad so I'd like to walk you home if you don't think it's too weird, but that jacket won't last you home if you don't live over here."

She walks me home and we talked a little learning things about each other. By the time we got to my house it was full on pouring it's ass off. It was so bad the sewers started over flowing. You could hear the thunder over heard whipping it's mighty whip at us. The wind was harsh as well swaying like a hula hoopers hips.

When we got to my house I invited her in it was way to hectic to stay out there much longer. Her phone started ringing guessing it was her mother, "Hey mom, no I was but I ran into an issue, no no no I'm fine, no I'm not outside, I walked a friend home and the storm picked up, no mom I'll be fine here wait until it dies down," she puts her phone down "Hey where's your parents or guardians ?" I walk her into the living room to see my aunt who was now awake. Good timing, She nervously shuffles, "Do you mind talking to my mom?" She hands her the phone. My aunt picked up the phone. "Hi I'm Marcy, I'm her aunt, no that would be perfectly fine." She gives the lady our address and hands the phone back to her.

"Yes mom, ya I'll stay here and go to school with them in the morning, I'll figure it out, ok bye love you." She ended the call. We stalk up to my room. My room was the attic it was very roomy, there was a large slanted window to the side, it was lilac with gold trimming, the floor was fuzzy white carpet, I had a double bed to the little room in the corner, I had a lot of pictures on my wall of fandom stuff I'm into and fairy lights straining all over my room. There was a dresser to one wall, my vanity to another and across from it was my desk. I had a small walk in closet, and a functioning bathroom to the side. Across from my bed was my tv with two very comfortable chairs. I even had a small dinner table for when I wanted to eat up here since it was already a two story house sometimes I'd have my sister bring up dinner and we'd eat up here.

We sat down on my bed her eyes glancing around my room, she probably didn't know half of the stuff I was into, I mean there was the basic stuff like Harry Potter and a couple of heard of bands, but then there was stuff like my black butler posters, along with my other anime's and some bands a few 100 people knew existed. I had a few polaroids of friends and a few sleepovers with all of Claire's friends but mostly it was me and Claire. Which makes since she's the closet person I have to a best friend, no she is my best friend.

"What house are you?" I was snapped out of my haze. "Sorry, what?" She points to my hog warts poster. "What house are you in?" I smile, "I'm actually a Gryfinndor and a Hufflepuff." She smiles, "I'm a Ravenclaw and Slytherin myself." For a few minutes we go on about Harry Potter and our favorite characters from the series. Then the conversation changes she gets up and walks around my room. She stops for a second at my Polaroid wall. She looks at them and touches a few. "Do you have one?" I get up from my place on the bed and head over to my dresser where I had it hanging, ironically I had a lilac one. I showed her and she awed. "Can we take one?" "Ya, together?" "Ya." I take the camera out and point it to our faces I smile and she wraps herself around my waist. I blush and snap the photo. It comes out and I shake it to dry. "Do you mind if I have this one?" She asks. "Nope but of course we will need another one for me." I smile back, so we take another one. She pops open her phone case and sticks it in the back of her phone to show case off to the world. I was debating my phone or my wall, but decided my phone because I had a feeling we'd take more through the night.

I had almost totally forgot that my phone was dead. I took off my bag and got my phone out of it so I could charge it. I turn and I see she has her eyes are wide. "What's wrong?" "Your phone is that the 8?" "Ya." I say sheepishly. I was never one to brag or boost about what I had and didn't have. She smiles at my shyness I guess waiting for me to boast but I didn't. She held up hers to show me. She had a 6s rose gold of course. What got me though was her case was absolutely gorgeous. It complemented her phone and our picture.

It was so cute

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It was so cute. I heard my door bell go off, I take off my jacket and shoes. "Was that a doorbell?" "Ya were to high up to hear my sister call for dinner so we installed a bell so I know to head down and get food." "That's a smart idea." I giggle and we head down stairs.

Hello loves 💗 1479 words sheesh. Well I hoped you guys enjoy the update 💓 -Neveah

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