Chapter 2

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Andy's Pov

I need a break from the city life and when I was told that there is a small town that doesn't appear on any map, it sounded like the perfect place to get away and gather my thoughts before I started on the new book.

After losing Tiffany, it had put me in a deep funk, the worst I've ever been in, I was a ghost of myself and even though it is nearly two years now, I couldn't shake it. I couldn't be in that house anymore and I thought about selling it, but I couldn't find it in my heart to do that, so I let my mother do it while I searched for a new apartment.

The last few days, I felt so trapped and my publisher was starting to breathe down my neck for new material. I knew that I was going to be influenced by my pain and that was what made my books what they are, 'Best Sellers' , but I needed to let go of that pain before I could write about it. The only problem was that this pain, was engraved on my soul and it was not going anywhere anytime soon, if ever.

So I packed a bag and grabbed my keys and started driving. When I finally drove into the town, I stopped at a coffee shop to get the directions to the guesthouse I was going to be staying in. When I got out of the car, I noticed the people in this town stop to stare, I figured it's because I'm so unnaturally tall, but they probably know I don't belong here in my white button-down shirt and navy blue slacks. I'm thankful that I packed my jeans and t-shirts, after spending the day in the car, hopefully I won't stand out too much.

I am about to reach up and open the door to the coffee shop when a soft body barrels into me and loses balance. My body is quick to react when my arm goes around her waist and her black hair whips around her face. I assume it's the shock of the near fall but when she looks up at me, she seems confused and dazed. Her green eyes seem to be lost, or I may be lost in them, I'm not sure.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask and she pushes me away as she nods her head before silently walking away. I guess that is that then. I watch her walk away for a moment before I walk into the coffee shop. 

I approach the counter, feeling once again all eyes in the room fall on me followed by a hush as the volume in the room dies down.

"Hi, uh, can I please get a strong black coffee to go and directions to Rocky Ridge guesthouse?" I ask the waitress who seems to have forgotten why she's here. The man next to her nudges her before he rolls his eyes.

"Natasha, are you going to serve the man?" he asks the girl, clearly not impressed with her lack of movement and she slowly nods as she turns a bright red before running off to the coffee machine.

"Hey, uh, can you tell me how to get to Rocky Ridge?" I ask the man, Dennis is scribbled on his name tag in barely legible handwriting.

"Yeah, you're not from around here, huh?" He asked as his eyes eyed my outfit. I thought that was obvious, but I just shake my head. "Well you're gonna head up the main road until you get to a giant oak tree, you turn left and right at the fork and that will get you there." I nod as I try and memorise the directions, but scribbling them down on a napkin, drawing a terrible diagram, before I get lost. My sense of direction often leaves a lot to be desired.

"Thank you very much." Just then Natasha comes back with my coffee, I quickly pay before I walk out, I feel the fatigue set in as I get outside and need to get to a bed soon.

I somehow made it to the guesthouse after using the directions the man gave me and I checked in. Once I get inside my room, I throw my bags on the floor and take a long hot shower before I lay down on the bed, making sure to avoid my reflection as I walk out of the bathroom. I've been on the road for the last 13 hours getting to this town, my phone has been turned off since I left home and the drive has taken its toll. I soon feel myself fast asleep, lost in a dream that has haunted me for so many moons.

My subconscious mind drifting between Tiffany's confused face as it fades into the background and the confused green eyes and jet black hair takes the forefront. This is a new dream, something completely different to what I am used too. I felt a panic coat my sleep as I tried to figure out who this was and how to deal with it. When I reach for her face, she seemed to fade and was just out of reach.

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