Chapter 41

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Andy's Pov

I woke up with Riley next to me as usual. After the way she has been acting the day before and when she collapsed last night, I needed to make sure she was feeling okay at least. I got done and went to my doctor, with her meds and her prescription, because I knew Tracey would be there to keep an eye on her.
By the time I got home, I had booked an appointment for her and gotten a few more things done for the tour as well as for supper. I had just finished cooking when they got back home and I greeted them, Riley instantly walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me as I kissed the top of her head, I could see Tracey watching us, knowing that this was out norm made me feel judged.

Riley had gone up to shower and I wanted to find out from Tracey if there were any problems, I poured her a glass of wine, "How was the trip outside today?" I asked Tracey, knowing she knew what I was referring too.

"She was good, she scared me a bit this morning but once we got outside, she seemed fine, although she got dizzy a couple of times, after she rested for a few minutes, she was fine again." She sips her wine and we move towards the couches. "She did tell me how well she was doing and that something strange was happening with her yesterday, but not the kind of strange that I witnessed last night."

She insinuated that there was more to our relationship and I guess to look in from the outside, one would think so, sometimes I even think so and I wonder if Riley does too.

"You and Riley in the same bed huh?" She wiggles her eyebrows and I can feel my face heating up, taking a sip of my drink as I clear my throat.

"It helps us sleep sometimes," I mumbled and she bursts out laughing before it dies down and she clears her throat.

"I know that we've had this conversation before and I must say, I never saw any of this coming, but I just want you both to be careful." She looks over at the staircase as she speaks. "I can tell that you both deeply care for each other, but these aren't normal circumstances. I guess I just don't want any of you to get hurt. You haven't seen Riley hit rock bottom as of yet." She looks at me and it's almost a challenge.

I nod, "I must admit that I don't know what exactly is going on between Riley and me, but I know that I care about her and I want to do anything in my power to make sure she is happy and healthy. I have her booked in for an appointment with my doctor on Tuesday, I hope you wouldn't mind." She looked at me and thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"I can do that, thank you for trying Andy, for caring honestly and showing her what..." Her sentence was cut off by a scream and we both whipped our head towards the stairs. I was filled with panic and without another word, I made my way up the stairs, begging every step of the way that she was okay, my heart hammering in my chest.

Nothing I imagined would have prepared me for what I saw. Riley was slumped over and there was ragged breathes rushing from her body, filling the air. The thing that caught my eye was the red that oozed from her arm and that flowed and dripped onto the floor, my ears were ringing when Tracey had caught up and met us in the room.

I felt frozen to the spot until she pushed me aside and called Riley's name. As if moving on my own accord, my feet carry me towards her until she growls like an animal and lashes out at me with the scissors. I had advised Tracey to stay back and then I slowly crept towards her and call her name, I can feel a lump in my throat, straining my voice as I say her name. "Riley?"After trying to lash out for a bit more, she let out more screeches, that make my blood run cold and I instructed Tracey to get an ambulance. When we were alone, I heard her whisper my name as her energy seems to fade, "Please don't leave me..." The last thing I ear before she collapses onto the floor with shallow breaths. My heart breaks as I run over, grabbing a nearby towel as I press it into the cuts.

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