Chapter 15

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Riley's Pov

The story Andy told me about his wife and baby broke my heart, I wanted to throw my arms around him and promise him that everything will be okay, but after I hugged him, the words died on my tongue, will it really be okay? He has been through so much shit and I'm so fucked up, I can't tell whether it's going to get better or not.

I put on a movie and we settled onto the couch. Andy wanted to leave, but we were already too drunk for either of us to drive, so I offered him the couch. Halfway into the movie, I feel my eyes drifting shut, I'm too comfortable to move, as I feel my body slide and my head rest on his shoulder. I hear his voice, but the words are lost on me in my state of unconsciousness.

I woke up the next morning in my bed, expecting Andy to be next to me, but nothing, I was really getting annoyed by all this nothingness. When I walk into the lounge more nothing, the bathroom is empty and so is the kitchen. I open the fridge to get a bottle of water and when I turn, there is a note on the counter,

Thank you for listening.

Remember you are one of the strongest people I ever met. I'll always be happy to listen to you.


The note was so simple, but it had brought tears to my eyes, I scan the room around me and I set the bottle down when I search for my phone in my bedroom, I quickly text Andy, *Thank you for listening, sneaking out while I'm asleep was kind of mean, you suck! Hope you're okay, wherever you are.* I send the text and trudge to the bathroom, really smooth Riley, I mentally roll my eyes.

I look in the mirror, there isn't the normal darkness on my face that comes from alcohol-induced sleep. I get ready for work, checking my phone, I have 20 minutes before my shift starts, but still no reply from Andy. I shove my phone into my back pocket, leaving the bandage on the bathroom floor, I tie my hair up and walk out the front door.

The whole day is as monotonous as every other day, except this time, I can't keep my mind off the events from last night, I don't remember that much, but I remember the last conversation Andy and I had, about his wife and their baby that never even made it to this world, maybe the baby was spared from the tragedy of this world, but Andy would have loved that baby, he'd make a great dad. He is very protective. Part of me wishes I could be the one he would love and have his baby, but then I laugh at the thought, I don't even want to have kids.

I heave another sigh as the day comes to an end and I haven't heard anything from him. As I walk out of the store, the voices start as a faint whisper in the back of my mind, I quickly search in my jacket pocket and dig out one of the pills, quickly popping one in my mouth and swallowing. As I wait for the whispers to subside I jump when my phone starts ringing, the buzzing bringing me back to the present moment. I pull out my phone and I only realise when I see Tracey's name that there is a disappointment that it's not Andy.

"Tracey, where have you been?" I continue walking and Tracey's voice comes through the phone.

"I'm waiting for you at your place, I'm so fucked right now," I can hear the tears choking her voice.

"I'm on my way home, gimme 10 minutes." I feel the panic rising and I walk faster as I try and get home. When the building comes into view and I see Tracey sitting by the front door, her head hung low, my voice ringing out "Tracey?" Her head snaps up and she runs over to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders, "Are you okay? What happened?" I rub her back.

"No, I'm so fucking stupid." I wrap my arm around her and started walking us into the house.

"Where are your keys?" I ask as I open the door and we gather her stuff and walk inside.

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