Chapter 73

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Andy's Pov

The next day I had to tread very carefully around Riley after she nearly left me last night. I had to figure out a way to finalise everything before tomorrow so that I could share what I have been hiding from her.

"Hey Eddy, I need you to please hold any bookings for the coverage until next week for me, I'm probably going to be unavailable for them." I offered and after a slew of vulgarity, Eddy had agreed. I had confirmed that Kye was arriving later on today and that Tracey was already on her way up. I spoke to my parents and my mom was happy to confirm the arrangements for tomorrow.

Riley had just left for her shift at work when I confirmed that she would be sent home early and was off the next few days. I had already packed our bags and knew that the next 48 hours was all I had to give to Riley to make sure she never doubts us again.

My chest squeezes at the thought of what happened last night and before I can spiral down the tunnel of realisation my phone rings in my hand. Riley's name flashed across the screen and I smiled as I answered. "Do you miss me already baby? I mean, I miss you too, but it's only been about an hour." I chuckled and I heard her sigh.

"Andy, I'll be home early. Probably around 3 or so, will you be busy? I'm just asking so I know if I should cook for tonight or whatever." I felt my heart break, she texted me yesterday to ask the same question and I said I was going out. I sighed as I thought about the words that were going to be coming out of my mouth.

"I'll be home around 8 or so. You can go ahead and make dinner if you want, I'll try to be there on time." I searched for the right words for her to know what I was up to without spoiling the surprise. Her sigh reminded me I had to say something. "Are you still taking off the next few days?" I asked, and I hope she didn't catch on to me.

"Oh, yeah. That's fine, I have to go to the therapist, so I'm waiting for confirmation of the booking, either today or tomorrow." I sigh, Riley has been working so hard to get her life back on track and to heal, she's even going to extra therapy.

"I'm so sorry babe, I won't be there to make if it's today or tomorrow." I took a deep breath, knowing that she won't be getting that appointment today. "But don't forget that Tracey is on her way over today that she should probably be there with you when you get home." I offered the small consolation and I could almost hear her smile as she spoke, it was small but heartwarming.

"Oh yes, she is coming today. I can't wait to see her." I smiled in response and the sadness that carried through Riley's voice made me rethink my whole plan. "I miss her so much, Kye too." I guess she could tell my mood shifted when she jokingly added, "Well maybe not together, hahaha, it's still a bit odd to think about."

Before I could respond, there was a knock at the door and at the same time, my phone buzzed in my hand. I walked to the door as I spoke to her, "I know, I'm sorry babe, but I guess you'll have to get used to it now. I got to go, text you later?" I offer before I hang up and then I can hear her small sad smile again.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later. I..." She paused and I knew she wasn't sure if she should continue after the way things were last night.

"I love you, Riley Jones." I try to remind her and then I barely hear her whisper.

"Love you too. Bye." The call ends before I say anything else but I open the door, to accept the delivery of the cake that she has been asking for, I wanted to make sure she was spoilt for choice and never wanted for anything anymore.

As soon as it was delivered to the study, I had to leave the house and make my way to the bar to make sure that everything is set up and that the venue details have all been prepared. The later it got, the more excited I was. I had picked up my parents and booked them into the hotel for the night while we got things sorted and set up. Kye would be arriving in the morning, due to a flight delay.

By the time I got home, it was just after 9 pm and the day had worn me out. I pulled into the garage and sat there for a moment wondering if this was the right thing and if she would be happy with it. The panic and fear that she may reject it had me frozen in my seat. I spoke with the doctor who confirmed the shock may be too much for her and I thought that maybe I should just come clean, but she hasn't had an episode in almost a month.

I sighed and took a deep breath, nothing about sitting here is going to change anything and I honestly wanted to see her face, it's already been too long. I walked into the house and she was curled up on the couch with a cup of tea, her eyes falling on me almost instantly and the look in them pulled me towards her.

"Hello, gorgeous, I missed you." As I approached, she set the mug done and I couldn't stop myself, I lifted her off the couch and held her tightly against me so that there was no space between us and I kissed her. The kiss still scorched my soul and I was ready to tell her everything, I hated keeping secrets from her, but I couldn't find the will power to stop kissing her long enough to say anything. I felt her grip my shirt, as she kissed me deeper, but there was almost quiet desperation and her legs seemed to turn to jelly in my arms as I supported her whole body.

Before I could take it too far right here and now, I heard Tracey clear her throat before she cheerfully greeted me, "Hi Andy, oh my gosh, it's been like forever!" She bounced over and as soon as I knew Riley had her balance, Tracey had wrapped me up in a hug.

"Yeah, it's been forever since I brought you back here earlier." She laughed.

"Is everything ready?" She whispered in my ear as she hugged me and as I pulled away, I offered her a slight nod before looking at Riley.

"Have you eaten?" She rolled her eyes and I laughed as Tracey gave me a rundown of the day they had. Riley just quietly watched the exchange from right beside me, taking it in with a soft smile on her lips. There was no denying it now, I was madly in love with her and there as no turning back.

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