Chapter 27

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Riley's Pov

I slept most of the day yesterday and much like the last 4 days. I was taking my pills in order to avoid the noises coming back and Andy having to deal with it. Most of the time when I am awake and Andy is here, he tries to feed me or we have random conversation and watch movies. We developed a routine, I'd make breakfast, we'd eat together, once he left, I'd sleep and when he came back we'd watch a movie and we'd talk about our day, then I'd pass out and Andy would work.

I had taken my last pill this morning as usual and I had left my prescription back at the house, but I knew I had to fill it. I had thought about asking Andy for a doctor, but I felt like that was a bit of a stretch, maybe he'd think that I didn't plan on leaving. I knew that my time to leave was drawing near, but I haven't heard any noises since I got here and I have really been enjoying spending all this time with Andy.

The thought of leaving physically started to hurt and I felt a sadness that threatened to awaken the voices. Andy had left for work so I was wandering around the house until I ended up in Andy's study and I found a page of something that appears Andy was editing, my eyes scanning the words.

'The torture was renewed, the look of sadness in her eyes was drowning out the rest of the world. I wish I could try and save her, but the light was fading in me before I could share it.'

I placed my hand to my chest, placing the page down, I roamed around and finding unpacked boxes, there was a teddy sticking out. I picked up the bear and looked out the window. I felt a longing, a need to see Andy but he wasn't here, so I walked out of the study.

I was feeling the effects of the pills, the place was clean and I had made lunch, it was around 2pm and I wasn't doing anything. I went to my room, to lay down on the bed and stared at the sky through the window as the chilly breeze wrapped around me. I was still holding the bear I found and it smelt like Andy, this brought me the comfort I needed to fall into a deep sleep, sighing as the world slipped away. 

I dreamt of my parents. My mom was standing in the kitchen chopping vegetables, I ran up to her and was giggling, hiding behind her legs before my dad came strolling in, his voice booming, "Dear, have you seen any magical creatures with wings, long brown hair and big beautiful green eyes?"

My mother's laughter chimed and slowly it was replaced by a more sinister chuckle, "No dear, but I' sure she would be easy to find. Please hurry so I can get dinner ready, we can't eat without the main course." Then she turned to me with the knife in her hand and I started to scream.

I ran into my brother's room and locked the door, he would hold me until I calmed down and was ready to talk to him. But he wasn't there, I was all alone and afraid, something that crept over me like the darkness consumes the light.

I was woken up from my dream when there was a knock on the door and Andy's voice came through before the door opened "Riley, I'm home."

I stretch and seeing him puts a lazy smile on my lips as the images of the dream fade. I look out the window and noted how late it was and the room was cast in an orange glow, the reflection of the room on Andy made it look like he was from another world, maybe where angels come from I thought as he walked in.

"How was your d..." I noticed Andy go rigid as the words died on his lips, his blue eyes turned icy as they locked onto something on the bed. I looked over and saw the teddy and I was about to smile and tell him how cute it is when his voice was a low growl on anger, "Where did you get that?" he asked as he stared at it like it was a bomb.

I picked up the bear and peek up at him, his features are stone cold and closed off and the anger radiating off him made my stomach drop, "I... I..." I stuttered and he grabbed the bear from my hands.

"Where did you get this Riley?" He was on the verge of yelling at me and my voice dropped to a whisper.

"I found it in the box in your stu..."

Andy cut me off, "Don't go through my shit, especially not the shit in my study." He squeezed the bear between both hands and brought it up to his forehead. "What the fuck were you doing in there when I'm not around?" His voice grew louder with the anger and I could feel myself shrinking into the bed.

"I'm sorry Andy, I didn't realise..." I whispered, the look on his face made me fear him at that moment like he would lash out, he pushed his hand through his hair aggressively and I never wanted to be away from him this badly.

"Yeah, you didn't." He spat out before he turned and left, slamming the door on his way out, causing me to jump, I heard a second door slam shut, making me jump again followed by dead silence.

"What the fuck just happened?" I whisper to myself and just then my head explodes into an instant killer headache. I rub my temples and stare at the door, shaking my head, I grab my black and white smoke hoodie and drag it on as I walk over to the closet. I swap my pink PJ shorts for my black patch leggings that I pull out. I head into the bathroom to brush my hair and rinse my face.

I stare at my reflection for a few minutes, I haven't worn make up all week and Andy commented that I don't need it, but the ghost staring back at me begged to differ. I threw on thick eyeliner and mascara before I grab all my stuff and threw it into my duffle bag. I may be overreacting to Andy's reaction of the bear, but I felt I had overstayed my welcome and was getting ready to leave.

I pulled on my black boots before my eyes scanned the room, to see if I forgot anything. I feel a slight wave of dizziness and the beginning of a headache but I nodded once before I took the pen and pad that was on the dresser, scribbling a quick note, then I grabbed my shit and got the fuck out of dodge. I just wish I had more time to prepare, but I was never ready for this trip anyway.

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