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[No one's POV]

Jeongyeon woke up and saw Nayeon sleeping beside her, naked.

Yes, they did that last night.

Jeongyeon smiled and kissed the crown of her head.

Nayeon then open her eyes and saw Jeongyeon staring at her while smiling like a idiot.

"Morning." Nayeon greeted and Jeongyeon hummed.

"Morning." Jeongyeon greeted back and pat Nayeon's head.

"Don't you have to get ready for work?" Nayeon asked and Jeongyeon look at the time.

"It's okay... I can go later." Jeongyeon said.

Nayeon then look at the time and gasped.

"Ya! It's already 8! Faster go!" Nayeon exclaimed which caused Jeongyeon to cover her ears.

"Jesus... You don't have to shout right?" Jeongyeon said and rubbed her ears.

"Then quick! Go!" Nayeon is still shouting which Jeongyeon always find it annoying if she shout.

"Fine..." Jeongyeon said and get up.

She went to the bathroom and start to wash up.

After washing up, she wore her suit and went down together with her briefcase.

"What's for breakfast?" Jeongyeon asked as she backhugged Nayeon.

"Pancakes." Nayeon answered and Jeongyeon hummed.

When Nayeon is done cooking, she placed two plates of pancakes on the dining table and went to get two empty mugs.

"Coffee, tea or me?" Nayeon asked playfully and Jeongyeon chuckled.

"I want... milk." Jeongyeon said and Nayeon pouted.

Jeongyeon laughed and kiss her pouty lips.

"I still can have more of you at night." Jeongyeon said and Nayeon blushed.

Nayeon went to get a carton of milk and start pouring to both of the mugs.

After that, she sat down in front of Jeongyeon and start eating.

Jeongyeon eats fast so after a few minutes, she has finished the pancakes.

She put the plate on the basin and grabbed her briefcase.

"I'm leaving." Jeongyeon said and she Nayeon went to her.

"Take care." Nayeon said and Jeongyeon hugged her.

She plant a kiss on Nayeon's forehead before leaving the house.

She then went to the garage and get her car.

She reeved the engine and start to drive to her company.

When she reached, she park her car at the carpark before entering the company.

"Good morning, Ms. Yoo." The staff at the counter greeted.

Jeongyeon just nodded and continue walking.

Jeongyeon is back to her bitchy and cold personality.

She went to her office and once she sat down on her seat, the administrative assistant came in.

"Ms. Yoo, there's 5 people not here today." The assistant said.

"If they're here, get them to my office." Jeongyeon said and the assistant nodded.

She then left the office and Jeongyeon start to look through the documents.

But suddenly, someone knocked the door.

The regrets, the hopes [Jeongmo] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now