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[No one's POV]

After Jeongyeon finished eating, Nayeon left and Jeongyeon went back to work.

Jeongyeon looked through all of the CV but no one seems to caught her eyes.

She then decided to write a mail to Momo and informed her that she's hired since she has working experience.

After she send the mail, she then went back to work and after a few hours of working, she went back home and once she opened the door, she saw Nayeon's parents sitting at the couch, talking to Nayeon.

"Omo! You must be Yoo Jeongyeon, our precious daughter's girlfriend right?" Her dad said and she nodded.

They smiled to her and got her to sit at the couch.

"Good, you're qualified to be with my daughter." Her mom said and Jeongyeon smiled.

"Thanks auntie and uncle." She said.

"Call us omma and appa since that's what you have to call us sooner or later." Her dad said and Jeongyeon smiled awkwardly.

"Appa... omma..." Jeongyeon called and they smiled.

"Alright, it's getting late, we will get going first." Appa said and they stood up.

"Good night appa, omma." Nayeon said and left a kiss on their cheeks.

"Good night appa, omma." Jeongyeon said and they smiled.

"Good night to you guys too." Omma said and they left.

Nayeon closed the door and Jeongyeon flopped down at the couch.

"Urgh... so tired..." Jeongyeon groaned and closed her eyes.

Suddenly, Jeongyeon feel a weight on her lower part of the body.

She look up and saw Nayeon straddling on her hips.

"Jeongyeon-ah..." She said seductively and winked at Jeongyeon.

"Nayeon-ah, I'm very tired..." Jeongyeon said and Nayeon pouted.

"I will make it up to you okay?" Jeongyeon added and Nayeon smiled while nodding.

She then moved away and Jeongyeon stood up.

She went to take a quick bath and after that, she laid down on the bed and closed her eyes.

"Ya! Dry your hair first!" Nayeon exclaimed and Jeongyeon opened her eyes.

She look at the fuming Nayeon and rolled her eyes.

"Fine..." She said and ruffled her hair with the towel.

It took her not long for the hair to dry.

After that, she went under the cover and fell asleep.

The next morning

[Momo's POV]

I woke up and quickly went to wash up.

I can't believe that I got the job!

After I finished washing up, I changed my clothes and wore my hearing aid.

I went down and grabbed a few pieces of bread before taking my bag.

I then wore my blazer and my shoes before going out.

I take the bus and went to the company.

I went to the counter and say my name.

They passed me my entering pass and welcome me.

I gladly took it and went to the gate.

I scan my pass and walked in.

The regrets, the hopes [Jeongmo] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now