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[No one's POV]

Momo look at Jeongyeon for a while before rushing out to call the doctor.

"Doctor! Doctor! Please check on her!" Momo shouted as she charged towards the doctor in charge of Jeongyeon.

"What is it?" The doctor asked Momo while Momo catch her breath.

"Jeongyeon... S-She just moved her finger..." Momo said and the doctor rushed towards Jeongyeon's room.

He check on her before clicking his torchlight.

"I'm sorry to say this but... it is just a false alarm... But thinking on the positive side, this means that she can hear what you are saying. This is a good symptom so if you can, please keep talking to her. She might wake up sooner or later." The doctor said and Momo nodded.

The doctor left her room and Momo walked to Jeongyeon.

She sat down on the chair next to Jeongyeon's bed and hold her hand.

"Jeongyeon-ah... You can hear what we are talking right? But can you please wake up?" Momo said and sighed.

She continue to stare at Jeongyeon's sleeping face while chatting some other random topics with her.

Meanwhile, Haeun is watching them while sitting at the couch and slowly, she fell asleep.

Very soon, days have passed and Jeongyeon is still sleeping.

Momo is visiting Jeongyeon everyday after work or at her free time.

She would always wipe Jeongyeon's body with a wet towel and use the wet cotton bud to tap on Jeongyeon's lips so that her lips wouldn't crack.

Now, Momo is sitting beside Jeongyeon and holding her hand while looking at Jeongyeon.

She wouldn't get tired by looking at Jeongyeon everyday.

She only hope that she could wake up one day.

And earlier, something bad happened.

Jeongyeon's heart rate suddenly drops rapidly while Momo is out to refill the water.

It was luckily that Momo come back in time and realize that so she quickly get the doctor.

The doctor also said that she was lucky that Momo realize it early or else Jeongyeon would have left them.

Momo is afraid that the same thing would happen again so she decided to stay at Jeongyeon's side for 24/7.

But slowly, she fell asleep and she rest her head on top of their clasped hands.

[Jeongyeon's POV]

I groaned lowly and my eyes slowly fluttered open.

I look around as lights flashed into my eyes suddenly, causing the whole room to look white.

I blink my eyes a few times before seeing the colors turning back.

I was about to move my hand but I feel a weight on my hand.

I look at my hand and saw Momo sleeping on top of our clasped hands.

I then look at her and smiled softly.

I raised my another free hand, wanting to touch her but she suddenly moved.

She then sit up and rubbed her eyes.

And when she saw me looking at her, she quickly hugged me.

"You're finally awake..." Momo said and I hugged back.

The regrets, the hopes [Jeongmo] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now