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[Jeongyeon's POV]

I messaged Momo but she didn't answer me.

I tried to call her but her phone was off.

I grabbed my suit and went out of my office.

I walked pass Momo's desk and saw her desk all clean.

Nothing left on her desk, only the laptop and mouse that the company provide.

But something in the floor caught my attention.

I knelt down and picked it up.

'A notebook?' I then flipped the cover and saw the title.

'Momo's diary...' I thought and stood up.

I then went back to my office and read it.

The past pages are all about her past and it was actually blissful until she got into an accident which cause her to go deaf.

Her uncle saved her but covering her with his body and in the end, when the another car crash to her uncle's car, her uncle took most of the damage.

He then unfortunately died while Momo's ears went deaf.

Momo also have some fractures bones at her arm and legs but it's already heal.

Then one of the pages is about her coming for interview and her impression about me.

Dear diary,

I went for a interview and I was actually very nervous about it. I heard that the CEO of YJY Enterprise is a very cold and strict person. I was actually shivering in fear while going through the interview. But she's actually quite handsome. She doesn't really seems like a cold and strict person but her stare was very scary. It feels like you can just jump out of your skin and run away with only your bones. But I really wished to work in YJY Enterprise as I always wished to work there. Please god, please grand me this chance for me to get into the big company that I have been wishing for. Wish me luck.


Then I flipped to the next page and continue reading the others.

But one entry make my tears flow uncontrollably and unknowingly.

I also realize that unevenness of the paper and the dried tear stains on the paper meaning she's crying while writing this entry.

Dear diary,

I can't believe it... To Jeongyeon, it might only be only a night stand... But to me, it was not... It was made out of love for me but why is it not for Jeongyeon? I hate being the substitution of Nayeon. Whenever Nayeon is not around, she will initiate things and find me which I'm very happy. But when Nayeon come back to her, I am just standing aside, watching them lovey dovey in front of me. Am I a substitution of Nayeon last night? Why can't Jeongyeon just feel my love for her? Even god isn't at my side... I rarely fell in love but when I did, the relationship doesn't goes the way I wished... It's my first time falling in love and I enjoyed the feeling. But the problem is the feeling doesn't last long. I give Jeongyeon my first in everything. My heart... My love... My kiss... My virginity... But she seems that she doesn't even appreciate it... So probably... I'm leaving... Back to Japan... Bye Jeongyeon... Even though you don't know...


Unknowingly, I was crying and it is flowing down uncontrollably.

The regrets, the hopes [Jeongmo] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now