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[No one's POV]

After since that meal they had together, they grown closer.

Sometimes, they will even chat to each other in the office, making the others wonder about their relationship.

Since Nayeon has already went to Australia, Jeongyeon would ask Momo out and bring her to eat or just for a walk.

But tonight, Jeongyeon was weird.

She asked Momo out and brought her to a pub.

Jeongyeon keep drinking and drinking until she's completely knocked out.

Momo got no choice but to send her to a hotel as she doesn't know her house address.

After putting Jeongyeon in the taxi, Jeongyeon suddenly went sober and sit up.

She told the driver her house address and Momo decided not to follow her as she doesn't want to meet her girlfriend.

But she doesn't know that Nayeon is currently in Australia.

Meanwhile for Nayeon

"Rest baby..." A guy said and kissed Nayeon's forehead.

The both of them spend two hours of having sex and now, both of them are lying down on the bed, sweaty and sticky.

Chris pulled the cover and covered their naked bodies.

"When are you going to tell her about us?" Chris asked and Nayeon shrugged.

"I don't know." Nayeon replied while still slightly panting.

"But I promise I will tell her as soon as possible." Nayeon added which made Chris smile.

Chris kissed her on the back and they slowly fell asleep.

Yes, Nayeon is still cheating on Jeongyeon with Chris.

Meanwhile in Seoul

"Why are you doing this again?!" Jeongyeon shouted and throw a beer bottle towards the wall which cause it to break into pieces.

"Am I not good enough?" Jeongyeon mumbled and slowly fell asleep.

The next day

Jeongyeon wake up due to a very bad headache.

"Gosh... How much I drink last night?" Jeongyeon asked herself and rubbed her temples.

She then went to a nearby convenience store and bought a hangover soup.

After drinking that soup, she took painkillers so that her headache wouldn't be so bad.

She then went back and changed into her suit.

But of course she did went to take a bath.

After that, she went to the company and start doing work that will make her forget about what she received last evening.


Jeongyeon was at home watching tv but her phone suddenly buzzed.

She take a look at it and saw a video.

She take a look at the video and saw Nayeon and a guy which is Chris making out in a public.

Both of them are like about to eat each other's faces but the video suddenly stops.

The video is sent by a guard that she sends him over to protect Nayeon secretly.

But then, this happens.

The regrets, the hopes [Jeongmo] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now