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[No one's POV]

"Nayeon?" Jeongyeon look at the person that she just bump to.

"Jeongyeon?" Nayeon called as both of them look at each other.

They then went to a nearby cafe and sat down to chat a bit.

"So... How are you doing these years?" Jeongyeon asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm good... And by the way, I'm getting married." Nayeon said and Jeongyeon smiled to her.

"Congrats. Who's your groom?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Chris." Nayeon answered and Jeongyeon nodded with a 'o' formed on her mouth.

"What about you? Married?" Nayeon asked and Jeongyeon shook her head.

"In relationship?" Nayeon asked again and Jeongyeon did the same thing again.

"Single?" Jeongyeon then nodded.

"Why?" Nayeon asked with one of her eyebrow raised.

"I'm still finding for her... My love..." Jeongyeon said and look out of the window.

"And who's your love?" Nayeon asked.

"You met her before. She came for interview." Jeongyeon said and Nayeon widened her eyes.

"That girl? Wait what's her name? Mono? Mimo? Nimo?" Nayeon tried guessing her name.

Jeongyeon laughed and shook her head.

"It's Momo. What does Nimo have to do with this? It's a fish." Jeongyeon said.

"I forgotten her name. Just saying any name that comes to my mind. I remembered her name got a m and a o but I forgot her name." Nayeon explained and Jeongyeon sips her tea while smiling.

"Your love is Momo? So sudden?" Nayeon said.

"Actually the night when we broke up, I met her and that night I was drunk. We done something and in the morning, I done something more regretful than that night." Jeongyeon said and looked down.

"What did you do?" Nayeon asked and Jeongyeon sighed.

"I... I chase her away... I told her to leave the room and I can never forget her teary eyes and her broken expression... I wanted to apologize to her next day but she come and said she wanted to resign. I messaged her but she didn't reply me. I called her but her phone is off." Jeongyeon said and Nayeon noticed her eyes getting teary.

Nayeon rarely sees Jeongyeon cry unless she really loves or cares for that person.

Even when Jeongyeon knows that Nayeon is cheating on her, Nayeon didn't saw Jeongyeon cry so badly.

Nayeon went to Jeongyeon's side and side hugged her to comfort her.

"Don't cry..." Nayeon said while rubbing Jeongyeon's back.

"I... I-I miss h-her..." Jeongyeon uttered and continue to let her tears flow.

After a while, Jeongyeon stopped crying and Nayeon went back to her seat.

"Are you okay?" Nayeon asked and Jeongyeon nodded.

Nayeon then look at her phone and stood up.

"I need to go now... Bye..." Nayeon said and Jeongyeon waved.

Jeongyeon sat down at the cafe for a while more before she walk out.

She then continue to walk home and staring at the ground while walking.

Jeongyeon then saw a ball rolling towards her feet and the ball stops in front of her.

Jeongyeon kneel down and pick the ball up.

She look up and saw a baby at the pram while a lady is beside the pram buying something.

Jeongyeon walked towards the baby and give the baby the ball.

Jeongyeon smiled at the baby and the baby smiled back to Jeongyeon.

"Thank you." The lady beside the pram said.

[Jeongyeon's POV]

"Thank you." The lady said.

'Momo?' I thought as the voice sounds very similar to hers.

I then heard a gasp which cause me to look up.

I then saw her...

I stood up and we look at each other into the eyes.

She still have the same eyes that always makes me drown to it.

"Momo..." I called and she look away.

She walked towards the pram and hang the plastic bag at the back of the pram.

She start to walk away but I quickly caught up with her and stood in front of the pram.

"Momo..." I called but she looked away.

"Please excuse me..." Momo said with a low tone and look at the side.

I walk towards her and stood in front of her.

"Momo-ya, please don't ignore me..." I said and she look at me.

Not with the eyes she always look at me, but it's a fierce and eyes full of hatred.

"I'm just doing what I should have done long time ago." She said and I clenched my jaw.

"Is this your child?" I asked and point at the baby that's playing with the ball on the pram.

"Yes. I adopt her. Why?" She asked and I shook my head.

Able to see her again is something that I should be happy but she doesn't seems to be.

I don't know why but she's giving me a different feeling and a different aura.

She's not like the past, giving the feeling of love and warmth that only she can give.

She's giving me a feeling like she's a stranger to me and she hates me.

"Nothing. I'm just asking." I said.

"Excuse me. I need to go." Momo said and left.

I wanted to follow her but I don't know why I'm standing there, frozen.

And when I got my senses back, I look to the direction she went and she is already about to disappear from my sight.

I quickly run after her and followed her quietly at the back.

Then I saw her entering a apartment and a guy is helping her to get the pram in the apartment.

I don't know who is that guy and I never saw her wearing any ring earlier.

I feel my chest tightened and my heart broke.

I didn't know that after these two years of waiting for her, in the end, she's already others.

I need to accept the fact that she's not mine.

I can make her mine in the past but I let the chances slid away like this.

Probably she's also broken by Nayeon words and actions that's why she went to find another love.

I then went back home and took off my suit.

I look at the diary on my bed and hugged it.

I close my eyes and let my tears flow down.

'The hope of seeing her back here is good but she's already taken... Why am I so stupid in the past? If I have never chase her away, she might be here with me... And I don't even have to hug a non living thing in order to feel her presence... God, please tell me that this is just a nightmare... I'm truthfully sorry... Momo-ya, please come back to me...'


Jeongyeon's broken... Who want to heal it?
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The regrets, the hopes [Jeongmo] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now