Corrupto's Raging Army

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Bandit Ninja: "Where are we? Who are you?"

Creator: "You are in alternate 1, dimension 1, I am the Dimension Creator, you have been summoned here, due to the breaking of the Rift of Mirrors, to fight alongside other heroes against an army of pure darkness, corruption, and chaos."

Stone-spirit Derek: "And what proves you are the Dimension Creator? You could be trying to trick us."

Creator: "I see why that would be of concern, have you ever heard of and/or seen my symbol? Maybe that could clear things up."

Unleashed Dragon: "I have, hello I'm Unleashed Dragon, the name was given to me as a result of my 'unleashed' form, nice to meet you, but I will be one of the deciding people of whether or not you're the Dimension Creator, along with anybody else who knows about your symbol."

Creator: "Well, here it is."

Creator's symbol appears and the group of heroes are in complete awe.

Bandit Ninja: "If you're Creator, shouldn't you have a team of, well, us?"

Creator: "Funny you should mention that..."

At that moment the rest of the team showed up.


Derek: "Woah we're gone for a couple minutes and you're already replacing us? Although I wouldn't mind a new Ninja."

Ninja: "Very funny, I'm assuming these are the alternate versions of us?"

Creator: "Correct, now, are you all willing to fight alongside us against that army?"

Stone-spirit Derek: "It's dangerous, we could get hurt, and we've never faced a threat like this before."

Creator: "So that's a n-"

Stone-spirit Derek: "But, I think I speak for everybody when I say, we wouldn't be heroes if we didn't fight for not only our own dimensions, but for all dimensions. I'm in."

Unleashed Dragon: "I'm in."

Bandit Ninja: "I'm in too."

Little by little the rest of the alternate heroes joined in.

Creator: "So it's settled, to war we go. Hopefully we come back in one piece."

Dragon: "Yes, 'cause that'll lighten the mood."

Blood: "Would you rather hear a lie?"

Dragon: "Then to war we go!"

The team and the alternate heroes were ready as they charged into battle.


The heroes made it to where Corrupto's army was and Creator sent everyone flying into the middle of in between the alternates.

Creator: "Enough games Corrupto! Let's settle this now!!!"

Corrupto: "Well then, isn't this quite interesting? The Dimension Creator wants a battle? Well if it's a battle you want then it's a battle you'll g-"

Creator: "I don't want a battle. I want.......a war."

Corrupto: *grins* "You have no idea what you just asked for."

Creator: "I didn't ask for it. You were going to give us a war anyway, I just wanted to show you that I was ahead and ready, we all are."

Corrupto: "Trust me, you're not ready at all, this is simply the beginning, Squad B-1, weaken them, but don't take them out, it'll ruin the fun."

A group of maybe 50 to 70 soldiers instantly attacked the team and Corrupto and his army left.

Creator: "Ninja, Derek, Rolan, Dragon, my alternate ones, you guys stay with me, everybody else, go! I have a plan, trust me, there's not a lot of time."

The heroes had no choice but to listen, last time they questioned him, they ended out wrong.

Rolan: "Um, Creator, I don't think we can fight all these soldiers alone."

Creator: "We're not gonna fight all of them, just fend 'em off for a while."

Ninja: "Creator, you sure about this? They're pretty big in numbers."

Creator: "Just trust me, everybody stop attacking, Derek forcefield!"

Derek: "Uhhh ok?"

Dragon: "Creator, where is this gonna get us exactly?"

Creator: "Remember that dimension you can't get out of without it being a couple days? The reason it was like that was because it was in the 'Rift', being abandoned it was accessible, now the Mirror is broken, so they can't get out at all. I'm trying to make a projectile version of the portal that can suck them in if I throw the energy orb over there like a ball. If anything just run to the escape portal on 3. 1-2-3! GOOO!!!!!!"

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