Corrupto's Final Battle

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Derek: "Why are you with that evil girl!"

Rolan: "She's not evil, I see the good in her!"

Dragon: "Look kid we've seen the good in a lot of people, but in her case? I don't know."

Rolan: "Don't say kid! I'm not a kid anymore! I'm 23!"

Derek: "What you are is a disgrace to this family!"

Dragon: "Woah now! Derek that's too far!"

Rolan: "By the looks of it, it seems like you didn't want me as a part of it anyway!"

Creator: "Rolan!"

Derek: "She's Corrupto's apprentice, but you know what you're a perfect match, because you're an ungrateful disgrace, who doesn't deserve what he has!"

Creator: "Derek that's enough!"

Rolan: "Derek, you just described yourself."

Rolan opened a portal and left to his room. Derek began to walk towards him but he was stopped by Creator.

Creator: "Both of you need some time to cool off."

Dragon: "I get it, you're mad, but you don't say that to your son."

Creator and Dragon went to the scanning room to try and find out more about Diamond Skull.

Creator: "When I confronted him this stupid portable scanner just wasn't fast enough."

Dragon: "Those gadgets are your best bet until you get your powers back."

Creator: "If only we had a database of every villain in the same rank deemed as 'worthy enough' to be near Corrupto's power level."

Blood: "I may be able to help with that."

Dragon & Creator: "Blood?"


Blood: "In the flesh."

Creator: "Why do I expect nothing less?"

Dragon: "On that subject of helping, how can you help exactly?"

Blood: "Back in the old agency I worked at we had a machine that put villains into the database as soon as they became evil and/or were born/created. To this day the agency and the machine are still up and running, just put in your preferred filter and voilà, you have your villains."

Dragon: "Were you able to pick up a move set we can go off of?"

Creator: "Unfortunately not. We didn't fight, he was actually trying to avoid that."

Blood: "Smart man."

Wonteia entered the room.

Wonteia: "Creator, I wanted to tell you about- ah I see you've already reunited with him."

Creator: "Sensei Wonteia, how do you know of Blood's return? Do the others know already as well?"

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