Heroes Divide

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Dragon and Derek, along with the rest of the team, were shocked as to what happened. After a long minute of complete silence, Dragon stood up.

Dragon: *pointing at Derek* "You did this! Had it not been for you, we could've helped him and he would've been fine!"

Derek: "I didn't do this! If anyone did, it was you! You think you're so above of everyone because you're Dragon and you've grown to this imense power that you think nobody can master!"

Dragon: *pushing Derek* "And what about your ego?! You can't just pause your arrogance for one second to think about the lives of others can you?!?!"

Derek: "Don't you push me! It's your fault for what happened to Creator!"

Blood and Ninja tried to separate them but were fought off by Derek and Dragon as they grew deeper into rage.

Derek: "All of you are going to have to make a decision! This isn't just another argument this time!"

This time, the team noticed that things weren't going to be easy in terms of pulling them away from each other and preventing them from hurting each other, and so this time Damien, Rana, and Rolan tried to stop them.

Dragon & Derek: "Let me go!"

Dragon and Derek were both, finally, separated.

Derek: "You know one day you kids are going to have to make a decision!"

Dragon: "That day is today! Who is it? Me? Or him?!"

Rana: "Don't make us choose!"

Damien: "You're both our family!"

Rolan stood there quietly for a couple of seconds.

Rolan: "I'm not on your side Derek..."

Dragon: "Yes!-"

Rolan: "But I'm not on your side either Dragon..."

Derek: "Damien? Rana?"

Damien and Rana didn't know what to do, but before they could say anything, something amazing happened.

Ninja: *grabbing his sword* "What's that noise?"

The ground began to shake stopping the commotion between the heroes. Lightning began zapping in random areas, plants sprung from the ground, mini mountains created everywhere, wild fires out of nowhere, and in the end the ground cracked and at the center of all those cracks was Creator's symbol glowing in and out. After a good minute, a burst of purple, red, and blue colored lights emerged from the symbol and as they faded away there stood Creator.


Creator: "They won't decide."

Creator stared at Dragon and slowly turned to Derek.

Dragon: "But how?"

Creator placed Rolan, Damien, and Rana inside of an indestructible cube and teleported away.

Derek: "No! Where did he take them?!"

After 10 minutes of arguing and confusion, a hologram of Creator appeared.

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