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{Elle's POV}

"Ughhhh..." I groan as I open my eyes and am blinded by the light from my window. I forgot to close the curtains last night. Come to think of it....I forgot last night...

"Goodmorning babygirl!" I'm greeted with a big kiss on the forehead. My head throbs where my moms lips touch.

"Why the fuck does my head hurt so bad?" I ask, not caring about what my mom will say about the language.

"Haha well...we got hammered last night so maybe that's why?" She giggles, grabbing an oversized shirt out of my closet. She takes her jeans,which she must have fell asleep in last night, and throws them in my laundry bin and then pulls her shirt over her head. After she puts the shirt on like a dress she comes over to me and strokes my hair.

"Do you need some medicine baby?" She asks, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I wince and nod slowly. She giggles and then gets up to get the mess.

"How are you fine?" I ask as she comes back in with a bottle of something.

"I'm used to it, Elly girl. I guess I should be relieved you aren't?" She puts four pills in the palm of my hand and then goes to the bathroom and comes back with a Dixie cup of water.

"Thanks momma." I say, downing the pills and then the water. I wince again and then lay my head back down. I hold my forehead and groan.

"It'll get better in about 30 minutes babe." She says, scootching closer to me. She puts her arms around me and then hugs me tight. After about 10 minutes of me half sleeping half dying in her arms she jumps up.

"SHIT!" She yells, running out of the room.

"Language!" I yell after her, giggling to myself and the wincing from the pain.

I get no response. I open my eyes and sit up. I finally have the strength to get up so I walk to the kitchen where I hear her whispering into the phone.

"Are you sure it's secured?" She asks whoever is on the other side of the telephone. "He can't get in? Are you absolutely 100% sure?" She pauses. She lets out a sigh of relief which I guess means that the person assured her 'he' , which is probably Lüc, can't get in.  "I should have done this ages ago. I have to take charge and start acting like a real mom and not some weak bitch who can't protect her beloved daughter" I lean a little farther in the doorway as her voice fades meaning she's walking out to the patio. As I lean I get dizzy and lose my balance.

"OUCH!" I scream as I land straight on my hands and knees. I look up, hoping she didn't hear but she's already running toward me with a worried expression on her face.

"Elle! Baby are you okay?" She kneels down and puts one hand on my back and in the other she clutched the phone.

"I'll call you back" she instantly hangs up. And puts both arms around me to help me up. My headache has started to fade but now my body aches from falling on the hard floor.

"I'm fine mom really." I say as she leads me to the couch to sit. A bruise has already started to form on one of my knees, the other I know will come later.

"Wow that looks like it hurts! I bet you're headache seems like nothing now?" She giggles.

"Exactly! And I can just tell people I sucked too mu-" I stop myself before the words come out. My mom whips her head around, her eyes as wide as a doorframe. "Nevermind." I laugh uneasily.

"Yeah you had better 'nevermind' that!" 


I light another cigarette and sit on the edge of the pool. Mom went out for groceries a while ago so it's been just me and the dogs. As I take a puff of my cigarette and then close my eyes. My headache is gone but the pain in my knees has grown. I have a limp and I probably will for about a week. I take another puff and pet Asia as she walks by me to go sit by the other pigs under the pool umbrella.

I hear a car approaching the gate so I quickly throw my cigarette on the ground. I step on it and then kick it into the shrubs.  'Fuck' I mutter, knowing she's gonna smell it because I smoked like 3 of them just while she was gone.

"Baby girl I have a surprise for you!! I'll let you know at dinner!" Mom shouts as I walk into the kitchen and see her and Peter(bodyguard) putting groceries away. I smile at her as I try to rush past the kitchen to go rinse myself and change.

"Hey, Elly girl come here I need your opinion." She says just as I successfully reached the stairs. I lift my shirt to my nose and sniff. Not that bad. Maybe she won't notice. I slowly walk toward the kitchen and take. Deep breath before entering.

"So do you like the tan placemats or the  blush placemats? I bought both so I could get your opin-" she stops. My heart drops. "Elle...." she walks closer to me. She comes face to face with me, looks me straight in the eyes, and then lifts my shirt to her nose.

"ELLE MONET RONNIE GERMANOTTA!" She yells at the top of her lungs, dropping the placemats. I see Peter even jump a little and then walk quickly out of the room. Even our BODYGUARD is scared of her when she's angry. "Why the FUCK do I smell cigarettes on you?!" She screams. I back away slowly and feel my stomach drop.

"I....I just....."

"Do you know how fucking bad that is for you? Especially with your lungs still developing?!" She smacks her forehead and starts to pace. I just stand there quietly and let her go.

"I stopped smoking when you turned 13 years old because I knew it was bad for you and for me! I told you that! How could you turn around and do the very thing I stopped doing so that I could protect you?" She rants. I blink and a tear rolls down my cheek.

She sees me crying and her face softens a little but then hardens again. She knows I hate it when she's mad at me and she also hates yelling at me. She rarely does it. Only when she's SUPER pissed.

"Just go to your fucking room until I call you down here, please." She puts her head in her hands. I quickly race to my room and begin to sob. I hate hurting her but I also hate listening to her. I never intended to keep smoking I just tried it once and couldn't stop.

I roll up into a burrito in my sheets and blankets and clutch my teddy bear that she gave me when I was 8. I cry harder into my pillow knowing I've upset her.

Just like everyone else in her life has.

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