↠young folks are coking jaw and are losing their minds↞

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The ember of Charlotte's cigarette glowed in an orange light, as she inhaled the toxic substance deeply into her lungs. Carelessly, she blew the smoke out and watched it vanish into thin air. Lucy had wrote her a message before, saying they might take a bit longer.

Charlie had never been a very patient person at all and the waiting annoyed her, especially under those circumstances. She had obviously lost the game against David like so many times before. So she was sitting on the counter alone, with a beer standing in front of her, wishing she was somewhere else while her room mate got to stay at home in his wonderful comfort zone. The worst about it was, that she didn't even want to hang out with anyone out of the band, especially not with the drummer boy. She cursed Lucy for inviting them to what was supposed to be their evening.

She tried to look on the bright side somehow. She, at least, actually got to hangout with Lucy this time and even Charlie would never admit this, she really missed to have her crazy friend around. Mostly she had been the one to reschedule though, as thanks to her rather inefficient work attitude, she always seemed to drown in essays and exams.

Charlotte grasped in her bag to get the one of the books, she always carried around everywhere and then cursed in frustration. She had unpacked those just this afternoon, obviously. She could harshly believe her luck.

"Feeling lonely, Charlotte?" Someone pulled her out of her frustration. Charlie looked up to see the pretty face of Elizabeth Ramcke, David's little sister, grinning at her. She leaned against the counter. Charlie looked around shortly and could at least spot three guys luring at her lightly dressed friend. Elizabeth was herself a literature student, some semesters behind Charlotte. However, different parties of the arts faculty and lots and lots of wine brought the two women closer together. She had been the one that got Charlie her room in the shared flat with David and she was also pretty much the only friend, Charlotte still used to hang out regularly.

Elizabeth lived in an apartment alone, just a few streets away from David's and her place. She used to live in the shared flat with her brother before, but they both decided it would be better for their relationship not to know about all their sibling's hook-ups. David also told Charlie, how his sister's snoring could be so incomprehensible loud, one could hear it over in his room. He was relieved to find his new room mate being; apart from coming home drunk; a very quiet person.

"You here with your fellow students?", Charlie asked her friend. She nodded.

"They are in the back room playing some weird variant of 'Kings Cup', so I really am not missing out right now", she answered, "David just texted me, you wanted to drag him here, but failed. So I figured you sit here somewhere, alone and desperate and I wanted to be a good friend."

"Well,I'm meant to meet with Lucy here, but she apparently prefers letting me wait", the Redheaded answered with a crooked smile. Elizabeth just raised her eyebrow.

"Only Lucy? Man, that's boring. I had some information about a certain boy? I really don't want to miss out on you getting some tonight", she grinned.

"David's such a fucking snitch", Charlie tried to change the subject immediately, "And your sibling relationship is way too close anyway. It's unnatural to get along with one's bigger brother that fucking well."

"How would you know, you are an only child", Elizabeth laughed, "Now would you please be so kind and tell me about the damn guy? Is he hot?"

"See for yourself", Charlie replied grabbing her phone, that was lying on the counter. She tipped in '5 Seconds of Summer, drummer' and showed her friend the first picture she could find.

"He's cute", she said, scrolling through the massive amount of pictures that popped up in the google feed, "And famous. Interesting."

"He is an asshole, Liz", Charlie stated exasperated, "You can have him, if you want to." Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

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