by accident

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So I'm watching a movie with steve. It's kinda funny watching h get scared. There was a scary part coming up. So I tapped Steve lightly. "Boo" I whisper yelled. "Ahhhhhh" Steve jumped and I laughed.

"Not funny y/n" Steve said. "Oh but it was" a voice said. It was Loki. "Oh hey Loki wanna watch with us" I asked and he nodded. Honestly I have a big crush on him I don't know why it might be my thing for long black hair.

I've seen this movie a hundred times so I know what happens. But I still jumped when the old nun lady pipes up. Not only did I jump I jumped into Loki's arms. I looked up at him as he chuckled making me blush. "Scared are we?" Loki chuckled.

"K-kinda" I stuttered. "Well don't be darling I'm here" he said In a low voice making me blush even more. We just stayed like that for a while. then tony came in and started laughing. "I knew you two were dating" he laughed. Loki started getting annoyed. "

"We're not dating stark, I'd rather lick the bathroom floor than kiss y/n." he said. I started to tear up. "Y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean-" he started. "NO! GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU!" I screamed before I ran to my room crying.

It was the next day and I walked out of my room to the kitchen to get breakfast. "Morning y/n" thor said. "Hello thor, Loki" I said slightly annoyed. Thor took note of that as I walked away. "Loki what did you do to y/n" thor asked. "I told her I didn't like her, it was an accident and completely Starks fault" Loki sighed.

To night was Saturday night and that means karaoke night, great. everyone is required to participate and I hate singing but I do it anyways. "Ok you guys ready" stark asked and we all nodded. "Good cause first up is y/n!" He said and I mentally cursed him out. Everyone cheered and I gave them a death stare so they stopped.

I decided to sing titanium by Sia.
Everyone was staring at me when I finished Loki the most. I blushed and pulled a name out of the hat it was Steve. Steve sang strip that down. Then thor and so on.

Finally it was Loki's turn and he got up there. "Ok before I sign this song I just want to say y/n this is for you I'm sorry and it's Starks fault he is an asshole" he said. Everyone laughed. And when the music started I instantly knew the song it was I don't dance by Lee Brice.

He was half way through the song when he put his hand out to me and I took it. He pulled me up and started dancing with me as he sang. "I don't dance but here I am spinning you round and round in circles" he spun me. " It ain't my style but I don't care I'll do anything with you anywhere, yes you've got me in the palm of your hands girl cause I don't dance" he sang. As others song was most over he started to lean in and whispered, "cause I don't dance" he sang softly and kissed me.

I instantly kissed back and I put my fingers through his hair. Everyone was shocked when we broke apart. "Y/n I love you I'm so sorry I said that once again it's Starks fault" he said as he looked in my eyes and flipped off stark at the same time. "I love you too Loki" I said. And once again he kissed me softly.

I know it's short but the next one will be better I just got a lot going on right now, I'm so sorry. Also for the record i didnt specify it but a lot of you comment abou our out burst in paragraph 5 i and th y/n were ummm i mean we're females by birth (even tho i hate that) but you know😅😅😅

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