choose me?

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Suggested by @missjloyard if I got that wrong please let me know!

Loki's POV.

I heard a loud knock at my door. Reluctantly I got up and opened it to find no one. "Hello? Thor? Cap? Huh, I could've swore I heard so-HEY" I yelled an I shoved into what I'm guessing is a garbage bag.

"Shut up frosty!" Starks voice rang through my ears. Oh I'm gonna kill him when I get out of here! He set me in a chair and locked me in so I couldn't move.

He then removed the bag from my head. "Stark you asshole!" I growled. "Awe snowflake you shouldn't talk like that. we have guest." I turned my head to see at least thirty women.

"Oh god, are you gonna kill me in front of them?" I asked in Panic! (Who ever got that your my new best friend) "of course not" he assured me. I nodded.

"So how bout we start the bidding at 5,000? Anyone?" He said.  Wait bidding? "Your selling me?!?".      " yes but just for the day" "I'm going to kill you!"  I might have said that a bit to loud. All the girls ran out of the room except for one.  

Y/n POV.

Everyone ran out and I was just standing there. "Y/n!" Stark said with a big grin on his face. There was someone else there an it was Loki! Ok not gonna lie Loki is honestly so cute and so smart. I blushed as he glanced at me. "S-steeve said t-to give t-this to you" I studdered like an idiot.

"Thanks" he said taking the paper. He also noticed my blush and smirked. "Hey y/n?" He asked. "Yea" I said shyly. "How would you like to bye Loki for a day?" He asked.

"O-oh I don't know I mean-" I started.   "Shes afraid of me" Loki said with a frown. "I didn't say that, sure I'll bye him" I said. Loki's head shot up. "You know that means I'll be your boyfriend for a day.

My face went red and I mentally cursed myself. " k pay up" stark said. I reached into my  pocket and pulled out two quarters and handed them to stark. He released Loki and I linked at him. He's taller than I remember.

Loki walked over to me and put his hand out. I carefully took his hand interlocking our fingers. He looked down at me and smiled. I blushed and we started walking. "So where do you want to go?" He asked softly. "T-the park?" park i replied and he nodded. We stopped by my room so I could get my bag.

We started walking to the park. We kept getting weird looks and stuff and my anxiety started to kick in. "L-loki?" He looked at my paniced expression and nodded. We ran to the park and sat under a tree trying to catch our breath.

"Y/n you don't have to do this you know" he sighed. "But I want to" I replied. He smiled. "Can I sketch you?" I asked. he smiled and nodded. I grabbed my sketch book and pencil.

~20 minutes later ~

"Done" I said smiling. "Can I see?" He asked softly. I nodded

His mouth fell open. "Y-y/n this is amazing!" He hugged me. I hugged him back. He looked into my eyes and I blushed a bit.

Without warning he kissed me. 'This can't be happening' I thought to myself as I immediately kissed back. We pulled away and I giggled. "What" he asked.

"Ever since you came to stark tower I thought you were so smart and cute but I would never have the chance to be with you" I admitted. He laughed. "Really cause to be honest I thought you were to cool for me" I laughed.

"Loki, I love you" I said. His eyes went wide. "I love you too y/n, and after today I hope you can be my girlfriend?" I smiled and kissed him. "I'm guessing thats a yes" he giggled.

When we got home everyone was staring at us especially Steve. I gave him a death glare and he backed off. "So y/n do you want to return him already?" Stark laughed. "Actually we have something to tell you all" I said shyly.

Everyone looked up. "Me and y/n are dating. Like after today dating." Loki said with a smile. I giggled.

"I love you Loki". " I love you too y/n" and with that he kissed me.

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