Chapter 11

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I looked between Marlie and David curiously.
"Here." Marlie said while handing me my lighter. I took it slowly from her hands and she continued looking at David.
"Who's that?" She whispered to me curiously. I felt a sigh of relief go through me. I'm such a terrible person for lying to her.
"A friend of my family's." I answered. That wasn't a lie. Our dads used to work together back in the day so they trust David almost as much as any other family member.
"Oh. Okay." She mumbled while leaning down towards the window and waving.
"Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Marlie." She smiled.
David looked at her blankly before waving back.
"David." He replied.
She doesn't even recognize her own dad.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked me while looking up, I nodded hesitantly. She smiled before walking back inside the apartment. I slowly turned back towards David and he raised an eyebrow. Tapping his finger on the wheel.
"Why were you at my daughters apartment?"
I laughed nervously.
{Marlie's P.O.V}
It's been a month since Leo and I have officially been together and keeping it a secret has been fairly easy. No one really suspects anything anyway. Jacky is hooked all over Johnny and Evelyn and Kai seem to be focused on their project, so that leaves me and Leo together.
We still haven't had our first date though, the only thing we normally do together is talk or kiss. Which I didn't mind. I loved it actually.
The problem was that Leo and I were almost never together because of our projects. Our teacher had given us this quiz to fill out about each other to try and get the ball rolling. Amanda Johnson seemed to pull Leo one way and Johnny seemed to pull me another.
    "Date this weekend?" Leo asked me quietly at the lunch table one day.
"Can't. Johnny wants to talk about our past or something." I whispered back.
Leo scoffed,"We never hang out together."
"Sorry. It's not only Johnny you know. Amanda always pulls you away from me also." I patted him on the head.
He shrugged," I guess so."
I opened my mouth to say something but then Amanda Johnson appeared at our table.
"Leo, can I talk to you for a moment?" Amanda urged him. Leo looked up at her and I looked away. Johnny tapped me on the shoulder.
"What's your favorite color?" Johnny asked me suddenly.
The separating is already starting ugh.
Johnny and I were currently at the library (my idea), which supposedly he hated.
Johnny groaned while putting his notebook on the table in front of me," I hate libraries." He mumbled before he plopped down in the seat.
I furrowed my eyebrows," How can you hate libraries? They're so peaceful." I sighed.
"Exactly. It's too quiet." He put his face on his hand like a little kid.
"Then, do you want to work somewhere else? Know any places?" I asked curiously.
He smiled and I waited.
"I know the perfect place."
"Where are you taking me?" I asked while following closely behind Johnny. He never told me anything besides that it's where he lets his artistic feels flow.
Currently we were walking down a dark alley, with almost no one around and I was starting to get nervous.
"Trust me. You'll love it." Johnny glanced back at me. I smiled weakly while following him. I looked down at my phone and kept Evelyn's contact on the screen. I faintly remember what Leo told me about Johnny...
"He's a bad guy. I've known him for a while and he's really the worst."
I kept on glancing behind me, making sure that no one was following me when Johnny suddenly stopped. I bumped my head on his back and he glanced over.
"Sorry." I mumbled. He chuckled.
He was stopped in front of a door. He quickly opened it and he waited for me to walk in. I gulped slowly before walking in. He closed the door behind us and motioned for me to follow him up some stairs. I looked around and I followed slowly. He opened a door at the end of the stairs and I walked through, suddenly being on the roof of the building.
It was surprisingly beautiful up here. String lights were placed around the rim of the roof, and some bean bag chairs were placed in the middle, accompanied by an ice chests.
"Woah. What is this place?" I looked around.
"I would call it my man cave, but it isn't exactly a cave." He chuckled.
"It's beautiful." I said in awe.
He smirked as he reached over towards the cooler and he opened it.
"Want something to drink?" He offered.
"Water would be nice."
He passed me a water bottle and I caught it.
"Come, sit so we can work." Johnny motioned towards the bean bag chairs. He sat down and he opened up a can of coke as I sat down opposite of him. This was so comfy.
"Is this where you normally work?" I looked around.
"Work, write, other stuff, you know." Johnny sipped his coke and I tilted my head at the other stuff.
"First question," Johnny ignored my face as he looked over at his paper," Favorite number?"
"Four." I answered quickly he wrote down the color and I asked a question.
"Favorite memory?" I asked.
Johnny looked up and thought for a couple of seconds," My mom taking me to Disney." He smiled.
"You're close to your mom?" I started writing down his answer.
"Yeah. I guess you could say that." He mumbled.
I looked up at him questionably.
"She died last year." He answered bluntly. I put my pen down.
"I'm so sorry." I mumbled. I can't imagine what I'd do if anything happened to my mom.
Johnny shrugged," I'm better now. Don't worry." He smiled.
I nodded along with him and suddenly he grabbed another coke can from the cooler.
He shook it in his hand and I looked at him weirdly.
"What are you doing?" I narrowed my eyes.
"This." He opened the can and laughed as it sprayed my feet. I screamed while I stood up to get another coke can. I shook it quickly and started spraying it at him. This went on until we were both a sticky mess.
The rest of the night was actually really fun, and I got to know Johnny way more as a person, rather than what Leo tells me about him.
It's the next day and it was break time. Leo, Kai and a few of the other guys were playing soccer outside. But, Johnny was still sitting in his seat, pretending like he didn't know me. Which I didn't mind.
"I have a date tonight." Evelyn suddenly announced. Mine and Jackys heads shot up.
"With who?" Jacky leaned in the middle of us.
"At what time?" I asked at the same time.
"Eight o'clock. Tonight." Evelyn smiled to herself. I suddenly felt guilty for not telling them about Leo, I mean, it's already been a month. Shouldn't I tell them?
"Awe. Lucky..." Jacky grabbed onto Evelyn's arm and pulled on it.
"What are you complaining about? You've been on a million dates." Evelyn laughed.
"Yeah but, I really want to go on a date with Leo." Jacky wined.
I looked over at her and I sighed to myself. Nope, not telling.
"Shouldn't you just...ask him?" Evelyn mumbled," Thats what I did with my date."
"I'm not giving up that easily. If he wants me then he has to work for it." Jacky crossed her arms and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Also," Jacky leaned in and motioned for us to as well. Evelyn and I made eye contact before we leaned to Jacky for her secret.
"Make sure you use protection." Jacky warned Evelyn. I choked on air and began coughing at that.
"What the heck? It's barely the first date Jacky!" Evelyn whispered loudly.
"Still...guys are impatient. If they get bored then they'll just run away." Jacky shrugged.
"Says the Virgin." Evelyn mumbled way too loudly. People around us looked at us and we looked away awkwardly.
"I'm just saying. I have friends who know what they're talking about. I'm just passing it along to you guys." Jacky mumbled in defense," Except for you Marlie. You haven't dated anyone."
I gritted my teeth. I know Jacky means well, but she really gets on my nerves sometimes. But still, will Leo get bored of me if I say I'm not ready?

Leo was currently at my apartment since my roommate was away at her yoga class. These are really the only times me and Leo get to hang out. He's invited me to his house before, but I always freak out and say that I have work, or I have to be with Johnny which he is a bit bothered by honestly. Leo and I went from watching a movie to having a makeout sesh in almost five minutes. I loved how Leo's lips felt against mine and how his skin around his lips felt. I could kiss him all day if I could. My hands always almost immediately went to Leo's hair almost all the time and I think he's noticed, but I think he likes my hands in his hair, which I love even more. Leo's lips left my face and slowly started going down my neck. I put a finger on his chin and I pulled him back to my lips. He smiled before connecting them again, slightly biting down on my bottom lip. We were laying on the couch, my arms around his neck and his hands on the side of me to keep him up when suddenly I could feel his hand start going into my shirt. What is he doing? Suddenly what Jacky told me earlier popped into my mind and I started to worry. His hand was moving up my shirt onto my bare skin when I suddenly blurted out,
"I'm not ready to have sex with you yet."
He flinched at my sudden outburst and sat next to me.
"Jeez, you scared the crap out of me." He mumbled mostly to himself.
"Im sorry. I was just thinking about how we've only been dating for a month and like a week and it's li-"
"Marlie, calm down." Leo laughed before running his hand through his hair.
"Jacky said—"
"You're taking advice from Jacky?" Leo raised an eyebrow. I put my face in my hands in embarrassment. Why'd I have to bring this up?
"It was Evelyn's advice. Jacky doesn't know about us."
"Right. Okay." Leo mumbled while thinking.
"I wasn't even thinking about having sex right now. I'm surprised you were." He chuckled.
"You weren't?" I asked softly.
He shook his head with a smile,"I'm not an animal, Marlie."
"But, don't you miss it?" I whispered.
"Miss what?" He whispered back.
"I mean, you're not a virgin?" I trailed off.
"Right." He nodded.
"So, don't you miss it?" I repeated.
He couldn't help but laugh at my expression.
"Sure. But it's not like I can't wait." He tilted his head towards me.
"But..." I sighed. I feel like a little kid asking all these questions," Are you really okay with waiting?"
He let out a noise that sounded like a mix of a groan and a laugh before grabbing my face with his hands, "Marlie, I want you. I want you so much. And if I have to wait for you then that's fine. As long as your comfortable."
He put a strand of hair behind my ear and I felt the corners of my mouth tug upwards.
"Okay." Is all I said.
I pulled him towards me again.

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