Chapter 26

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Leo and I were currently walking along campus hand in hand. Today it was so peaceful and there was absolutely no clouds. I was in love with the weather, and with Leo.
Leo suddenly stopped walking and I looked over at him curiously before stopping also.
"What? What is it?" I asked, scanning his face full of pain.
He looked down at his chest, at his blood soaked shirt. I looked down at his shirt with wide eyes, before he looked back up at me and tears stained his face.
I grabbed onto him quickly as he leaned into me, his blood getting all over my shirt and my hands. I laid him down on the floor and he was trying hard to breathe.
"Leo..." I cried, putting my hand over his wound.
"Don't die. Please don't." I cried even harder. He had his hand over mine, looking at me with tears.
"Marlie," he mumbled," Don't let me die."

I woke up in my bed, my blankets were tangled in between my legs and tears were already going down my face. I let out a shaky breath. That was such a bad dream.
I quickly reached towards the phone without thinking, before dialing Leo's number. It was currently three in the morning but I didn't care. I was worried.
The phone rang and it went to voicemail. I quickly got up, still in my pajamas before grabbing a jacket and putting it on, walking out of the apartment. Leo always stays up late, so why isn't he answering?
I called a cab and I told them the hotel.
Once I appeared in front of Leo's hotel room, I could feel my heart beating fast. My eyes were still puffy from crying so much. I'm probably being over dramatic.
I knocked on the door and I waited a couple of seconds. Please Leo. Please be here.
Suddenly the door opened and Leo was there, sleepy eyed and his hair a mess.
"Marlie? Why are you here?" He asked in a raspy voice.
I instantly sighed in relief, while throwing my arms around him and crying. He seemed a bit taken back by my reaction, but he wrapped his arms around me.
"What's wrong?" He asked, his voice sounded more normal.
He closed the door to the room and I couldn't stop crying.
"Why didn't you answer your phone?" I asked him angrily, tears across my cheeks.
Leo tried not to laugh," I was asleep."
"Here. Let's sit down." He mumbled, dragging me to the bed.
I nodded, walking with him. We both sat down on the bed and I sniffled while looking at him across from me.
"What happened?" He asked once I was calm.
"I had a nightmare." I mumbled. Leo wiped my tears away with his sleeve," That you had died. Right in front of me." I cried again, letting the tears fall into my lap.
I felt confused and sad at the thought of it.
Leo hugged me, pulling my face into his chest.
"It was just a dream, Marlie. I'm here." He mumbled. I could tell he was trying not to laugh. I pushed him away, but he was holding onto me tightly.
"Don't laugh. I'm serious. I was scared. You weren't answering your phone."
"It's four in the morning." Leo stated.
"You usually stay up late!" I argued.
"Okay okay. You came here by yourself?" He patted my head.
"I took a cab."
"I'm glad you are here. I missed you." Leo pulled away, looking at my face.
Ugh I loved him. I loved him so much.
"But," Leo looked away," You shouldn't have come here by yourself. I'm fine. You could've waited till the morning."
I groaned," I couldn't wait. You didn't answer." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around him.
Even though I knew he was here with me, I just needed his touch as a reassurance.
"I have work in the morning." Leo mumbled wiping his eyes.
I sighed," I'm sorry."
"It's totally fine. I like being with you. But, I should really get some sleep." Leo yawned. I nodded while pulling our hug away.
Leo closed his eyes pulling me to lay down next to him and pulling a blanket over the both of us.
I looked up at him sleeping.
It felt so real though...
I woke up with the smell of Leo's sheets. I slowly opened my eyes before looking next to me, where Leo wasn't. I sat up abruptly before looking around. Where did he go?
I spotted a sticky note across the room with his handwriting.
"Went to work. Call me if you need anything❤️"
I smiled at it, before standing up and grabbing it, putting it in my pocket for safe keeping.

Suddenly the phone rang, making me jump up slightly.
"Geez, that scared me." I mumbled to myself, before reaching towards the phone.
I put it up to my ear.
"Hello?" I asked, forgetting it wasn't my phone to begin with.
"Marlie?" I heard a familiar voice on the other line.
"Mr. Jones? I mean—David...Why are you calling Leo?" I asked him confusingly.
He sounded like he hesitated.
"Wrong number. Sorry." He quickly said, before ending the call.
What the heck. That's so weird.
I was standing outside of Johnny's house. I felt bad, and I wanted to see him. I didn't like him romantically, but the way we left off things was wrong. Way way wrong.
I knocked on the door and waited patiently, feeling a bit nervous. I haven't seen him since...
I gulped.
The door opened and Johnny stood there, sunglasses on his eyes.
"Marlie? What are you doing here?" He asked me, surprise in his voice.
"I just wanted to see how you were." I answered honestly, he quickly closed the door behind him, before guiding me away from his house.
We sat down by a nearby bench and I eyed him carefully. I hated that I couldn't see his eyes. I didn't know what he was thinking.
"How have you been?" I asked slowly.
"I've been better honestly." He replied.
I reached towards his sunglasses to take them off when he grabbed onto my wrist to stop me.
I froze, feeling a tightness and a desperate ness in the touch.
"Please. Don't." He mumbled softly.
I took off his sunglasses slowly, revealing a black eye.
I gasped, letting my wrist fall to my side.
"Who did this to you?" I asked, feeling a bit scared that it might've been Leo.
"Is it really important?" He mumbled, looking away from me.
"Yes! Of course it is."
He sighed," My a dangerous man." He gulped, before looking towards me," Stay away from him. And promise me you won't come to my house again." He looked at me sternly.
"Okay. Okay. I won't." I looked at him worryingly. So his dad did that?
"Does your dad...hit you a lot?" I asked softly.
He seemed to get chills," No. Only recently because I didn't give him the information he needed."
"What information? I'm sure it's not as important as you getting hit." I said desperately.
Johnny gave me a look and I closed my lips.
"I'm just trying to do the right thing." He sighed. I was about to ask him more when Johnny looked at his watch and stood up.
"I have to go. My dad will be home soon." He said, looking down at me.
I stood up also, before facing him.
"Be careful please." I felt anxious.
Johnny has been one of my closest friends and now that I know this about him, it makes me sad and angry.
"You too." He smiled weakly over towards me.
He waved bye before walking away.
It was about eight at night, I was sitting on the couch and I was at my apartment by myself. Griffin was out with a couple of friends and I doubt she'd be home anytime soon, so I didn't bother to be dressed. I was wearing sweatpants, and a T-shirt. I sighed before hearing a knock at my door.
I stood up, walking towards it slowly while hearing another knock.
"I'm going!" I said, grabbing onto the door handle and opening it.
I was more than shocked to see Leo standing there, roses in his hand. He was wearing a button down, and jeans,
I gasped before hiding my face in my hands,"Don't look at me. I look ugly right now." I mumbled into my hands.
He let out a laugh, before walking in and closing the door behind him.
"You look amazing." He mumbled, before hanging the flowers to me. I grabbed them, before smiling.
"Why are you all dressed up?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I wanted us to have our first official date." He shrugged, before leaning forward and kissing my forehead. I couldn't stop smiling as he pulled away.
"Okay. Just wait while I put these flowers in a vase, and change." I smiled.
He nodded, while I walked away from him and towards my cabinets.
Leo sat down on the couch as if he's never been here before, looking nervous.
"So, where are we going anyway?" I asked, pulling out a vase.
"It's a surprise." raised his eyebrow questionably before wincing and putting his hand to his chest.
I quickly walked over to him," What? What is it?" I sat down next to him. His face was scrunched up and full of pain.
He nodded," Yeah. It's just that my chest has been hurting lately." He mumbled, before looking up at me.
"Do you want some pain killers?" I nudged him.
He nodded slowly, pain still traced.
I walked over towards my medicine cabinet and pulled out pain killers, giving him some with a glass of water.
I watched him as he put the pills in his mouth and swallowed it along with the water. I started faintly remembering my dream from last night, feeling the sadness overbearing.
"What?" Leo looked over at me questionably.
"Nothing." I smiled, before walking back and filling the vase with water.
When I finally was ready, I walked out of my room and honestly a little part of me expected Leo to be waiting there, in awe but he was no where in sight. I turned a corner and there he was, asleep on the couch.
It was fine. I woke him up in the middle of the night for him to sleep with me yesterday, plus he had to wake up early so he really must be tired.
I sat down on the little table while looking over his peaceful face. Every time I think about my dream, it feels like my heart is going to split in two. I leaned forward admiring his facial features for a couple of seconds before grabbing a blanket and placing it on him.
"Goodnight DiCaprio." I whispered to him before turning off the lights and walking towards my room.

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