Chapter 48

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{Jackys P.O.V}
"Johnny, calm down." I passed him a glass of water. He glanced over at me, before taking it in his hands and giving out a shaky breath.

Eugene And I looked over at each other, wondering the same thing.

"What did you mean....who escaped?" Eugene finally spoke up.

Johnny shakily put his glass down, before glancing up at us.

"My dad."

{Marlie's P.O.V}
Beep. Beep. Beep
I groaned, leaning over towards the side and feeling myself bump into something. I opened my eyes quickly. I totally forgot what happened last night. Madison and Ben were sprawled out next to me on my bed. Bens foot in Madison's face. I gave out a little laugh, before stepping out of the bed and tripping over something. I let out a little yelp as I hit the ground hard, causing a bruise to form on my cheek.

"Ow." I mumbled.

"You okay?" I heard someone. I looked over and saw Leo. He had made himself a little bed on the floor.

"I'm so sorry. I forgot you were here." I mumbled, holding onto my cheek.
I took my hand off and I saw blood.

"Oh my gosh Marlie." Leo reached over, putting a hand on my cheek. I pushed his hand away.

"You need ice." He slowly started getting up. I watched as he stood up from the floor. He shook out his blonde fluffy hair, before lazily walking out the door. I slowly stood up, following after him.
I walked over to where Leo was standing, an ice pack in his hand.

"Sit." Leo patted the counter. I raised an eyebrow.

"Leo I'm not a dog."

Leo laughed," I know that. Just please." He patted the counter again. I bit my lip, before hopping on. He softly put the ice pack to my cheek and I flinched slightly.

"Sorry. It's cold." He scrunched up his nose cutely. I rolled my eyes.

"I can do it." I moved my hand on the ice pack, overlapping his slightly. He nodded, moving away and looking through my drawers. I didn't bother asking him what he was looking for.

"Aha. Found it." He held up a bandaid. I tried to hide my smile. He walked over with a few supplies. He put rubbing alcohol on a q-tip before walking over to me. I took my ice pack off slowly, placing it to the side.

"This might hurt." He mumbled, grabbing onto my face with one hand to keep me still, and with the other the q-tip. I felt a little weird so close. I remember when he used to kiss me, he always liked touching my face before and during. Either that or he would cutely hold my hand. I smiled slightly, remembering that cute side of him. A side I miss.

He leaned forward so that his hips were pushed up against my knees as he softly brushed the q-tip on my cut. I winced and he stopped with wide eyes.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"A little." I answered honestly. He hesitated, wiping off all the blood and throwing it in the trash. He blew over the wound, as I shut my eyes out of instinct from the air. There was a moment of pause where he stopped blowing and there was silence. I opened my eyes and they focused on Leos serious face.

"What?" I asked dumbly.

He stared at me hard, before sighing and turning away.

"Nothing." He mumbled.

I swear for a brief moment he looked at my lips...

He then walked over, placing a small bandage before leaning back and smiling.

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