Chapter Two

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Most of my time was spent getting to know the three new travelers. I learned about their hobbies and interests, asked about their lives, etc. They all enjoyed being here in the Dreamscape so far.

It wasn't too long before Rêve came and took them to their respective kingdoms. I sighed, happy knowing that each of them would be comfortable where they were going. They were here in the Dreamscape now, not knowing they couldn't escape.

Time went on. No one appeared in the field of flowers. I looked into my mirror and noticed Germany observing Canada's still body. "Hm...just like Italy and Austria. What could they all have in common?" he pondered.

I inched closer to the mirror when he walked up to it. "I look tired. That nap wasn't of much help," he mumbled.

I accidentally touched the mirror, causing the surface to ripple like disturbed water. Germany looked alarmed and confused.

"Did my reflection at me?" he whispered to himself. I quickly moved my hand away from the glass.

"There you are." came another voice. Two others walked into Canada's room, and Germany turned to face them. They both had blonde hair, although one was more sandy in color and the other more golden. The one that had spoken had emerald green eyes. "We wondered where you had wandered off to," he stated.

"So who was on the phone?" Germany asked.

"None of your business," he replied. He walked away from the mirror and over to the man with the golden colored hair.

"England," Germany spoke.

"What is it, kraut?" England asked rather rudely.

"You are familiar with the supernatural, is that right?"


"Well," Germany started, "if you're staring at a reflection in a mirror...and it smiles at you, what does that mean?"

England was silent before turning to the man with the sandy-colored hair. "...America?"

America acknowledged him by looking up and giving him his attention.

"Can I speak with you out in the hallway for a moment?" England requested.

"Uhm, kay?" America's response sounded more like a question.

The two left the room, leaving Germany alone.

"...Maybe it's...nothing?" he wondered aloud. "Maybe I was imagining it." he walked back over to the mirror and looked into it. "Reflections don't smile of their own accord. I'm just tired. That's all." he concluded.

He was silent until he quickly backed away from the mirror. "Was?!"

Rêve appeared in front of the mirror. I was unable to clearly view the inside of Canada's room.

"What...what is going on?!" Germany asked.

"AH-HAH!" England yelled, re-entering the room.

Rêve looked surprised at his outburst and disappeared, most likely returning to his palace at the heart of the Dreamscape.

"...What just...?" Germany whispered.

"Cor blimey, I had no idea this ran so deep," England muttered.

"What's going on?" America asked, re-entering the room after England's outburst.

"I have to go to the sanctum. I must confirm my suspicions..." England kept muttering, trying to gather his thoughts. He looked at Germany. "Germany, call up the rest of your allies. America, ger China, Russia, and France here as soon as you can. This is an emergency meeting!"

"But wh-"

"Do it now!" and he left the room, heading towards the sanctum.

I moved my gaze from my mirror to the stove, where the kettle was boiling noisily. I hurried over to it and removed it from the heat. I sat down on the porch as I looked over the field of flowers.

England was onto something. He knew what was going on. I sipped my tea, deciding what I should do. I sat there for a while before coming to the conclusion to see how much England knew. Hurrying into the house, I moved a chair in front of the mirror and focused on watching England. He was in the hallway, about to set off for the sanctum.

He walked down the hallways to the sanctum, going through some secret doors that no one knew how to open. The sanctum was dark inside, and I wondered if he knew where he was going. He picked up a book. "'Arcana Magica'. Not what I'm looking for."

He continued down the dark hall. He looked at other books but disregarded them once he deduced it wasn't the book he was looking for.

He stopped to look in the mirror for a moment. "I look tired, too."

Suddenly, my body was walking behind him, not Rêve's. I followed behind him, not wanting to alert him of my presence. My body had never done this before, so it was a new experience.

Finally, England found the book he was looking for, and I peered over his shoulder. "There it is! Just what I need."

He was silent as I watched him carefully. "I know you're there."

I was shocked. Had he heard me following behind him all over his study? My body was gone in an instant, and I was back sitting on the chair in my kitchen. I kept watching the England, curiosity getting the better of me.

"I should head to the meeting room." and he left the sanctum with the book in his hands.

"England, what exactly do you know about our world?" I wondered, putting the chair back in its rightful place.   


AN: It's been a while guys! I've been working on my other story, "Pretend Games" as a submission for the 2018 Wattys. I'm glad to finally have motivation to update this story.

This chapter is a filler chapter of sorts. It mostly focuses on England and his knowledge of Rêve and other aspects of the Dreamscape, but not entirely. He knows that something supernatural is behind the other nations falling into comas.

I plan to have Chapter Three be the POV of the Nations, since there is a choice coming up that takes place in the Real World and not in the Dreamscape.

Thanks for reading 'Sleepwalking' so far!

Until next time,


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