Chapter Six

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~Nation's POV~

Germany wandered through the vast fields in search of his companions. He crossed a bridge and spotted America standing underneath some trees. "America? Is that you?"

The sandy-blonde nation turned around in surprise. "Wah, dude! Germany!" The American smiled excitedly. "We really made it to the dream world! That's so AWESOME!"

America jumped a couple times and sighed. "Aw right, England said we couldn't do super cool things in here, like flying."

Germany rolled his eyes. "You're really excited to be here, aren't you?"

"Of course," America confirmed. "I'll beat you all up and be the HERO once again!"

"Damn you."

"Oh, by the way," America lifted up an old, slightly rusty bat. "When I woke up, I had my baseball bat in hand! But I didn't remember bringing it with me at the meeting."

"Well...I have my whip too. Even though I didn't bring it either. Maybe they are the 'weapons' we manifested in this world?" Germany theorized.

America frowned. "...Dude. You beat up my dog with that whip. Don't even lie."

" tut mir leid."

"Gesundheit!" the American laughed. "Well, here we go!"

The two blonde nations walked through another field, looking for the other nations. America chattered quietly to himself, and Germany scanned his surroundings. The took a path to their right, finding Russia standing in a small patch of flowers.

"Russia, there you are." Germany greeted.

"..." he was silent.


"..." more silence.

The other two nations couldn't see what the taller nation was staring at. They furrowed their eyebrows and tried to get his attention again.

"ERM! Russia!" Germany shouted.

"Hum...?" that seemed to have snapped him out of his daze. "Oh...were you speaking to me?"

"Yelling would be more appropriate. What were you looking at?" Germany answered.

"I...I don't know." the Russian glanced around the field in awe. "This place is strangely captivating, don't you think? I was looking at that rock and I thought I heard...I don't know. I was daydreaming I guess."

"Well, we should go now, the others are waiting."

The three went south, once again searching for other nations. They walked down a small canyon, reaching another section of the field. Japan was lying in the grass.

"Japan! Are you okay?" Germany asked.

"Hnn..." came a groan, as Japan's eyes slowly opened. "Ger...many...?" he stood with Germany's help.

"Are you okay? What happened?" the platinum-blonde asked his ally.

"I was following the...the..." Japan frowned. "I can't remember, I fell and hit my head on a rock."

"It doesn't matter, I'm glad you're fine," Germany reassured him. "Let's go look for the others."

They continued south and found China not too far away from where Japan was. "China! There you are! Are you alright?"

He looked at Germany in a daze and answered, "Waaaw, aru. This place feels so...messy fuzzy dizzytastic, aru!"

"Ex...cuse me?" Germany said.

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