Chapter Four

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~Gate Keeper's POV~

Rêve and I were wandering the field of flowers, looking for Italy. He had disappeared since the last time I saw him. Rêve was still 'disguised' as Germany.

"Where could he be?" Rêve mumbled. "I saw him right there going to bed, like I told him to."

"He should have been here by now," I commented. "Did he get lost?"

"No, no," Rêve replied. "He'll be here. He'll be here." It sounded like they were reassuring themselves. I stayed silent.

In the silence, I heard a voice call out, "Ve, Germany," it was Italy. "Germany, where did you go?" the Italian walked up to us, a smile on his face. "Oh, there you are! I was looking every-"

"Ah!" Rêve interrupted. "You made it! I was so afraid you wouldn't come!"

"Mm? Is everything okay, Germany?"

"What?" Rêve smiled. "Of course, of course, everything is okay now that you're here. Everything is okay."

Italy looked at me for approval. I nodded my head 'yes'.

The Italian laughed. "I'm happy to hear that."

"You're here now, that's all that matters." Rêve said. "We're best friends, right?"

Hearing those words made my heart sink a little, but I had to remember Rêve had a part to play, and that meant I had to have no strings attached. I knew they were only lying to lure in Italy further into the Dreamscape.

"Si!" Italy replied. "Best friends forever!"

"Forever and ever and ever."

"Ve," Italy sighed in contentment.

"Come on, let's go visit America." Rêve suggested. "We can all go cloud gazing!"

"Ahn, don't you hate America?" Italy questioned. Rêve visibly tensed.

"Hm?" they looked back at me, and I shrugged my shoulders. "Why would I? You like him, don't you?"

"But you always talk about how much you hate him." Italy answered.

Rêve gave a fake smile. "Well, not here. Here, we're all friends, we all love each other, and we all love you."

"...Really?" Italy looked at me again for reassurance. "Is it really that great here?"

I nodded. "I pinky swear on it."

"This is your perfect world, and I'm here to guide you through it." Rêve finished.

"Aah! This place really is wonderful!"

"You are too." they replied.

Italy blushed and chuckled. "It's not everyday you're complimenting me! I'm so happy!"

"Aha, your face is almost tomato-red." I spoke.

"Now, come on, friend! Let's go on our adventure!" Rêve said.

"Lead the way, friend!" Italy smiled.

I watched as the two walked off together, on their way to visit 'America'. I smiled in contentment, preparing to greet the travelers who would be entering the Dreamscape soon. England was already prepping them for the journey, I could feel it.


A.N: It's been a while, but I come with an update! Please bear with me, I'm working through some personal stuff. Also, keep in mind that Kyo's episodes are 30 minutes long. It takes a lot of motivation to write chapters since I have to frequently pause the video to type the dialogue.

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Until next time,


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