Chapter Eight

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The grass of the field slowly became froze over as the countries continued south.

"Whoa, what the hell's happening here?" America asked.

"Ahah, I had a feeling we would have to leave this warm flower field for cold tundra." Russia snickered.

"This is a new section of the mind, though it's certainly not Italy's." GateKeeper explained. "Someone else created it."

"Do we know who?" France questioned.

"No, I can't say for sure." they sighed. "But whoever they are, they're still in this realm."

"Other Japan is getting away!" China exclaimed. "Stop gawking and let's keep going!"

The world rumbled beneath them. When it stopped, the countries glanced at each other before looking to GateKeeper.

"What on earth was that?" England asked.

"A distraction?" Russia pondered.

"Hold it right there!" shouted a new voice. "Over here!"

GateKeeper's eyes widened when their gaze landed on World, standing behind them. The countries turned around and America was the first to speak.

"WHOA!" he gawked. "Another me!" he smiled. "Hi me!"

"Oh bloody hell, he's wearing his old uniform," England muttered.

"Ooh, what nice fiercely cold eyes you have." Russia complimented.

"...Thanks?" World grimaced. "'re a funny guy."

Russia laughed. "He is very much like America, so spunky!"

"This will be a snap!" America chuckled. "Hey other me, do you know where we are?"

"He has a name." GateKeeper voiced harshly.

"Excuse me?" France furrowed his eyebrows.

"As they said, I have a name. I'm America-" he hesitated. "Er...World."

"What, that's my name!" America clarified. "But that's a weird last name."

"Shut up, it's a good enough name!" World shouted. His eyes were squinted in anger. "But I'm here to get you intruders out of this land in the name of Master!"

"What?" GateKeeper spoke out, their eyes widening again.

In the breeze, they could hear World's whispers, "Yes, I need them out. Out, out, out. That's how he said it."

"Aiyah, what a strange child." China sighed. "Was America really like that back then? I can't remember."

"He's much nicer at least," Russia commented.

"HEY! What is that supposed to mean!?" America asked.

"Master won't like it if you don't go back." World said. "So...go back?"

It was silent. "We won't go back." GateKeeper stepped forward, revealing their presence to the Arcana. World's eyes widened in shock.

"Listen, we're sorry but we don't have much time." England started to explain. "We're going now."

"Hey, no, wait!" World stammered. "You really have to go back! You have to!"

More whispers in the wind, "Master will not be pleased if you stay. Oh, no, no, no. He will be angry if you stay..."

"Please? Go back?" World asked again. He knit his brows together in irritation. "...all right. You leave me no choice then." He pulled his chainsaw out of the air and revved it. "Surrender now or prepare to fight!"


A.N: Another chapter up, and the next one will be after the battle with World. I hope your enjoying so far!

Until next time,


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